They found me (MERLA POV )

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All I can remember is running through the streets and falling in to a sewer. What was I running from? As started to slow down I was running for a while, I was short of breath I couldn't breath. I started to loose consciousness.

"Hey guys look, over here" a boy yelled while running towards me.

"What mikey" another said with sarcasm so his name was mikey cute name.

But then suddenly I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around me picking me up. His or her arms were very warm and gentle, but that's when I lost consciousness.


I was awaken by a group of people yelling. They were mutated beings just like me, but the only difference was they where turtles they had masks on, they were orange, purple, blue, and red. The red masked one walked over to me but stopped when the turtle with the blue mask said something.

"Raph stop you don't know what she is capable of" the blue masked one said. So the red masked one is raph.

"Oh Leo calm down no one can hurt me." Raph said being to proud, he went to grab me but that's when I pounced on him and took one of his siases from him and held it to his neck pinning him down. I smirk at his scared look it was so cute he underestimated me.

"Where am I and who are you?" I commanded holding the sias closer to his neck.

"I-I- I am Raph this is Leo this is Donnie and this is Mikey." He said pointing to them. I took the sias from his neck and stabbed it into the ground scaring him and I got up holding raph in the air with my long black tail.

"Nice to meet you." I said as if nothing happened just a minute ago.

"Can you please put raph down." Leo said. I obeyed and let him go he hit the ground with a thud. He charged for me I dogged his attack.

"Serriously, I just let you go and now your going to attack me, temper temper" I said very cocky and flirtatious.

All of the boys started to laugh and raph just stomped away to his room. After we all calmed down the one with the purple mask and gorgeous brown gold eyes, awww I could just stare at them all day.

"Hello I'm Donnie." He said stick out his hand for me to take it. I shook it happily.

"Hi I'm Mikey who are you where did you come from and why are you here?" Mikey said super fast

"We'll I'm Merlonia but you can call me Merla, I'm from England I was brought here by the Kraang and mutated, and then one of you saved me. Who picked me up and brought me here?" Said with curiosity in my British voice.

"I did." Donnie said trying to hide his blushing face. I returned the blushing so that made mikey look at us as if we were stupid or crazy.

"So how old are you." Leo asked

"I'm 17, born November 15th. Don't really know the year." I replied

I felt someone pat me on the back and that made me jump and react by shoveling them into a wall.

"Oh sorry raph, you can't scare me like that I could have killed you." I said with sincerity in my voice.

"Nah but you could get that knife out of my face." He said. I let him go and then he grabs me and flips me around and pins me to the ground.

"Pinned yah, now how yah gonna get up your stuck." He said very cocky

"Oh really. Am I now." I replied

"Yeah.." He tried to speak but I wrapped my tail around his neck and threw him off of me.

"Try again." I said dusting my self off.

Raph charged at me but Leo stepped in and stopped raph from hurting himself.

"Okay guys let's calm down and go and get Merla's stuff and show her to master splinter." Leo said grabbing my stuff and handing it to me.

"Thanks I will need this later to fight the Kraang." I said while aiming with my cross bow.

"Just don't shoot me with it." Raph said slapping me on the ass. When he did this I let out a little yelp, I rubbed the area he slapped oh he is so going to regret that.

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