Leo and Karai

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"I knew you'd come." She smiled as though she were genuinely happy to see him despite their blades crossed only inches from their faces. He gazed unbidden at her lips, before him now just as he saw them in his dreams: vermilion, slightly glossy, pouting sensually even as that smile filled him with a warmth and a strange elation that frightened him in a way their battles never did.

"Karai, get out of here." His voice gave her pause. She had never heard him so quiet, so deadly calm.

Leonardo caught her knee as it struck at his groin, pulling her so close that the polished edges of her armor jabbed painfully into his plastron. She laughed at him.

"Why? It's my room. Besides, you always seem so happy to see me." Her arms twined around his neck, and she played with the ends of blue bandana tails. As her fingertips brushed over his skin, Leo couldn't suppress a tiny shiver. She fed off his reaction, as she always did; suddenly, their lips were so close that what he'd always wanted became inevitable.

"I..." Rationale tried burst in at the last moment, but it was too late. Leonardo's eyes were already heavy-lidded, drunk on the seduction of those perfect lips and pulled in as inextricably as the end of the universe. Karai gave a tiny gasp as those deep sky blue streamers brushed over her cheek with a surreal gentleness, like the first breath of a spring breeze after the longest winter. She wondered for an instant what a turtle's lips would feel like, her own lips tingling from their heat so near; as they closed on hers, she found them as supple as any man's she'd ever kissed, yet velvety soft.

He pulled slightly away, and she all but fell into him in her eagerness to go on. Leonardo's large and bandage-wrapped hands landed at her waist, easily spanning its girth and holding her carefully away, though without a hint of distaste. She shook her head slightly.

"No, more--" Karai cut off her own words with his lips, pushing herself on him, returning the favor of his kiss whether he wanted it or not. But he did. Though his body stiffened, his mouth somehow became softer and sweeter still, not just tolerating the intrusion but welcoming it. He tried to kiss her back, though it was awkward and unskilled as he struggled to keep his tongue out of her mouth. She couldn't resist laughing, and pulled away a bit, looking wounded.

"I'm sorry." She was smiling, her voice still tinkling with mirth. "You're just so innocent...for a ninja."

Leonardo didn't look any less offended.

"I'm not innocent, Karai. I know all about the ways of the world."

"Do you?" Her fingertips trailed along the grooves scratched deep into his plastron, and he had to hold his breath to keep from gasping. She leaned close to his ear slit, warm breath fluttering over that sensitive skin. "Should I test you on that?"

"Karai..." Leonardo couldn't stifle a groan of need and a little dismay as he felt warm kisses, and a little bite, along his jaw and chin.

"I like how you say my name, Leo." Her voice was husky with the same desire, his name murmured against his throat as she tasted him, biting and suckling the verdant flesh, leaving her mark.

Slipping his arms from around her waist, where he was now embracing her more closely rather than holding her away, Karai pulled him down to the floor with her. She knelt, reaching behind to unhook the fastenings on her armor and tossing it aside, then pulling him close again. Her hands strayed over the worn-smooth ridges of his shell, tracing the spiral pattern, deep scratches, and small chinks lost to battle over the years. Watching Leonardo's face, she could see only a glint of sapphire under almost-closed lids; so intoxicated was he by the long-yearned-for touch. Yet she could sense he was holding back, as ever.

"Relax," she purred into the junction of his lips and chin.

Leonardo shuddered with need and a little fear as he felt her small, warm hand sliding down his front, catching briefly on the leather straps and his belt, but ultimately unrestrained. His own hand shot out to catch her wrist, but he found himself merely cradling it as she smoothed her palm across his thighs, feeling lean but powerful muscle twitch beneath her touch.

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