Day 1: Mistletoe

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December 1st was always an adventure. While there were certain egos who enjoyed the thrill of pestering the others with as many Christmas references as possible the day after Halloween, it was generally accepted that the first of the last month was an appropriate start date.
Thus, the christmas decorations were put into place.
The meeting room was filled top to bottom with decorations of every sort. White paper snowflakes, which frankly could have been cut better, lined the walls next to the strings of Christmas lights which had been duct-taped in place.
Along the counter underneath the TV (which was playing an only sort-of comical version of a log fire), were tiny nutcracker dalls, courtesy of Shawn Flynn and given to Bim.
Shawn claimed he was grateful for the opportunity to paint something else for a change, so they were accepted with little indignance.
There was, in fact, a fake snow machine perched above the entryway, the white powder already accidentally creating a pile in front of the double glass doors.
The Host wasn't at all surprised. This was normal, for the most part. Every year, the decorations were overdone and every year the host was lucky he couldn't witness it first hand.
"Oh! Host! Good. Help me down." Host sharply wheeled in the direction of the voice, centered above the table. 
"In the centre of the room hangs Darkiplier, tied from a cord around his waist, hanging from the ceiling. He looks exasperated, if a little ruffled..." The Host narrates, mostly for his own benefit, to be able to tell what was happening to his boyfriend. "You got yourself in quite the pickle, didn't you." 
Dark just scowled, and Host didn't even have to narrate to know Dark was scowling at him. 
"Listen, please. I gotta save my integrity before Wilford arrives." 

"Too late~" The voice of the other ego floated in from the doorway, and Dark's groan rang in the background. Host smirked at his smaller compatriot, listening to the quiet ruffle of Wilford's clothes and the shuffle of this shoes on the floor, as Wilford analyzed the situation before him. 
"How did you even get to be... Like... This?" Wilford gestured towards Dark grandiosely, and there was no noise as they waited for Dark to swing back in the proper direction. 
"Iwastryingtoputupmistletoe," he mutters, talking more into his sleeve than the people in front of him. 
Host, despite having perfect hearing, saw the opportunity and went for the jugular. "The Host appologizes, he did not hear what you said. Could you repeat it?" 

"I was trying to put up mistletoe." Host was pretty sure he's heard Dark saltier before, but there was an undertone of quiet embarrassment that Host was sure Wilford did not pick up on. He knew for a fact Dark was only trying to do a good thing. Participating in the Christmas decoration setup was, despite the rumours, part of Dark's reason for loving this holiday as much as he does. 
Wilford, clearly done with the whole ordeal and his friend, threw up his hands and walked back out of the room. 
"Here," the Host suggested, "give The Host the mistletoe, and the Host will help you down." 
Dark took out a halo sized ring of mistletoe and reached out to give it to Host. 
However, instead of taking the mistletoe and untying his partner, Host took the mistletoe and placed it delicately on top of Dark's head. 
"The Host thanks you for this opportunity." He grins cheekily, pecks Dark on the cheek, and follows out after Wilford. 

----- * bonus * -----
Dark wasn't let down until after the meeting. Host knew Dark was glaring at him the whole time, but neither could bring themselves to be truly upset with the other. Plus, there was the added bonus of Anti crashing their meeting halfway through, taking pictures of Dark, kissing them both briefly and retreating back to the safety of his own meeting room. 

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