Day 3: Snow

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Usually, snow meant good things for Shawn Flynn. It meant not having to go in to work, repeating the same thing over and over again, regardless of whether Bim went to work or not, but today it both worked in his favour and did not.

The blizzard outside their apartment was leveling layers of snow onto the ground, covering most of the first level windows. Shawn didn't dare go out to the balcony to see if it had gotten worse.

But the roads weren't clear. They were piled with snow that looked difficult for even the snowplows to get through. Bim insisted he had a game show to run, so he left before the blizzard started left despite Shawn's and the Weather Network's warnings. He had confidence in his partner to not drive in these conditions, but he didn't want the man to have to sleep at the office either. He wished he could do something about it, anything, but apparently you can't punch a cloud out of your way.

Shawn was wrapped in at least four blankets, staring out the window as the storm only continued to worsen. He could barely see the parking lot below. Logically, he knew if he hoped for the safest option, he wouldn't see Bim's car. If he could see anything anyway. But there was a bigger part of him that wished for the other man to be home so he could leech some of his heat as they vegged on the couch with a movie, or something as equally cheesy.

This was the singular worst time for their heater, clunky and old as it was, to finally give out.

And then, like both a saviour with everything Shawn could have ever dreamed of, and the biggest idiot of all time, there was Bim's car, trudging at impossibly slow speeds through the parking lot. He stopped where he knew the parking lot vaguely was. Only a small bit of room on either side to grab what he needed to get out, he accomplished grabbing everything to bring up with him as Shawn watched, stunned, through the window.

Shawn flew out of the apartment, only at the last second remembering to grab his key just in case, and flew down the three sets of stairs to go meet his boyfriend who was probably turning into an icicle as he ran. Shawn got to the outer door at the same time Bim did, outside for less than five minutes and already covered head to toe in snow. Shawn yanked the door open from the inside, dragging Bim inside by his scarf, barely giving the man time to squeak anything out as Shawn firmly planted a kiss on Bim's lips.

"Y'er an idiot, y'a know? Why did y'a risk y'er damned life over driving home?"

Bim kissed him again, he knew Shawn was more concerned for his well-being than truly angry at him.

"Well, I'm here now."

"Should'a slept at the office."

"I know, Shawn."

"I would have been fine on my own."

"I know, Shawn."

"Shouldn't have risked y'er damn life over me."

"I know, Shawn."

"I love you, you big idiot."

"I love you too, Shawn."

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