Day 4: Candy Cane

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Anti loved candy canes for a reason. Yes, the peppermint's good, yes, he enjoyed something to occupy his mouth and hands while doing other things, but mostly he loved it 'cause it gets him laid.

He knew Host finds the smell absolutely intoxicating, and he knew Dark can't look away as he swirls his tongue around it and tries to look as innocent as possible.

Anti had somehow gotten his hands on a giant candy cane. Not in the fact that it was as tall as he was, it was just bigger than most candy canes. It would take 3 hours to finish, tops.

Maybe he shouldn't have started it so close to dinner, but he'd rather spoil his appetite now and be satisfied with the results instead of just waiting.

He never claimed to have good impulse control anyway.

Host and Dark were both in the kitchen, talking amongst themselves as Anti came down the hallway, candy cane already a quarter of the way down. His lips were already glistening and smelled strongly from what he's already eaten, and now it was go-time.

He came up behind Dark, wrapping his arms around the smaller man's waist and putting his chin on Dark's shoulder. As Dark saw the candy cane peek into his line of vision, Anti could feel the man go stiff.

Host sniffed the air. "Is that peppermint? Anti, really, right before dinner."

Anti grinned around the candy cane. "I have no regrets."

He reached up to slide the candy cane out, resounding in a wet pop.

Anti knew he'd won when Dark slammed him against the wall, arm pressing his shoulders to the wall and an incredibly heated look in his eyes.

"You're a little shit, you know that?" He said, reaching a growl-y point fast.

Anti pulled the most innocuous face he could manage in a moments notice, "me? Nah, never."

It was only then he glanced over to Host to see the sly smirk on the being's face.

Anti's smile dropped.

It wasn't that he particularly minded, per se, but it was clear he was losing control over this situation and fast. Host strode over in two quick steps, scooping Anti up around the waste, finally abandoning the beginnings of dinner.

Anti was dropped onto the bed, candy cane still dangling delicately in his fingertips, but it was only another moment before Host had scooped him up for a kiss. He knew Host couldn't see him with the candy cane like Dark could, but the taste that lingered in his mouth pretty much had the same effect.

Before Anti had a chance to reorient himself, Dark was at his back, mouth on Anti's neck drilling shocks of feeling down his back, fingers at the base of his spine meeting them, continuing to tease around the edge of his waistband.

"You know what that does to us, you rascal." Host rasps out, lips swollen red, running his thumb over Anti's matching set.

Anti, distracted by Host, cried out and buried his face into Host's chest as Dark reached around to squeeze his half-hard cock at the same time as he sunk his teeth into Anti's neck, hard enough to leave a good mark.

Host slipped out of his upper layers one by one as he listened to Dark have his way, leaving Anti breathless and ragged. Host takes over, giving Dark the chance to undress in swift motions, as Host strips Anti to the best of his ability, Anti guiding him along the way.

Anti placed the candy cane back into his mouth, held on by his teeth as he grinned at the both of them.

He promptly crunched it between his teeth and let out a whine as Dark enveloped his cock in wet heat, a sensation he wasn't expecting so quickly.

Maybe this was, in fact, repercussions for making them skip dinner. Worth it. Definitely worth it.

Host slips out of his own pants, grabbing the bottle of lube from the drawer to the side of the bed. Host puts fair amount on his hand and lets himself spread it around as he watched Dark abuse Anti's lower half without being rough enough to hurt him.
Dark and Host switch places, letting Dark take the lube bottle fro Host.
Host takes Anti and sits him so his back is to Host's chest, and lifts the demon up to sit his ass over Host's cock. Anti sinks down onto Host with little resistance, from this definitely not being the first time they've done it. It still stung, but way less than it might have.

Dark climbed back onto the bed, positioning himself in front of the other demon. As Anti rocked back and forth on Host's cock, he rocked into Dark as well, putting friction between their most sensitive areas. Dark swept Anti into a kiss but pulled away and moved to kiss Host over Anti's shoulder. He knew neither of them would last long the way that they were. He was right, he felt Anti bite down onto his shoulder as he exploded, stopping and stuttering, the extra movement sending Dark and Host tumbling over the edge after him.

They just stayed, for a second, letting the high float down of it's own volition.

As they pulled apart, Dark wandered into the washroom for a cloth, Host looked at Anti.

"No more candy canes for you."

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