Day 8: Tinsel

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Anti loves tindel. He's basically a cat with it, any time he can get his hands on it he will. He wraps it around different parts of him, around his arm, around his neck, around the top of his head. He runs his fingers over it every change he gets. It's like a spikey boa.

He likes to put it everywhere else to, just to watch everyone else wonder where the shiny material is coming from.
He brings it to his meetings first chance he gets, and no one else knows where it comes from.
When asked, he claims innocence.

He brings it to Dark and Host's meeting as well, slipping in well before the allotted start time, throwing up tinsel in between the other Christmas decortions. It reflects the lights, making it shine, but he's pretty sure amongst the other decorations, they wouldn't notice.

They notice, but they never suspect Anti. Half the meeting time itself is them, bickering about who put up the tinsel, but Anti doesn't really stick around to find out who they're accusing.

When Dark and Host get home, their cabin, too, is covered in tinsel.
Dark looks at Host, "we should have known."
Host keeps a neutral expression, "you assume the Host didn't know."
Dark sighs, exasperated, and slips his shoes off. "Fine, I guess I should have known."
As Dark moves into the kitchen, he misses Host grab a piece of tinsel stuck to the wall with masking tape, wrap it around the outside of his bandages and tuck it into the back.
He also missed Anti, an armful of tinsel sneak up behind him.
Anti laughs gleefully as he dumps the tinsel on top of his smaller partner. Host, in the background, laughs at their shenanigans.
Dark is ready to be angry, ready to rip Anti a new one, it's already been a stressful day and now this, but he turns back around. He sees how much the two are enjoying themselves, even if it's at his own expense.
Soon, he too lets his tense muscles relax and laughs too, just look at how rediculous this is, he's got tinsel on his head!
And somehow, laughing in his kitchens with his boyfriends, there's nowhere he'd rather be.

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