Day 9: Ice Skating

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Bim's never been ice skating. Ever. He's lived in a warm city his entire life, and even though they have indoor rinks, Bim's just claims he's been too busy to ever go.
But Shawn's determined to bring Bim skating with him. A day off work for both of them was rare, so Shawn wanted to do something special.

The rink was cold, compared to the outside which was still fairly warm. Neither of them owned skates, so they paid their admission to a teenager who looked like he'd rather be anywhere else, and went to the booth to rent their skates.

They got their size, and put them on. Then, Bim tried to stand up.
He was lucky Shawn was there to catch him, or else he would have most definitely fallen on his face.
"Thanks," Bim said, straightening himself.
"That's what 'm here for, love."
Shawn could move much better on skates than Bim already, and they weren't even on the ice yet.
Shawn let Bim take his hand for guidance, but realized Bim was squeezing way harder than usual. "You scared?"
Bim looked out to the ice. "No, absolutely not." But his eyes told a different story.
Shawn stopped, "OK, what's the worst thing that could possibly happen to you?"
Bim looked at Shawn skeptically, "Uh, I could go onto the ice and immidiately fall, I could run another person over, I could hurt you somehow, there's a million things-"
Shawn put a gloved finger up to his boyfriend's mouth, shutting him up. "I'm not gonna let any of that happen. You're sticking close to me and the wall, 'aight?"
Bim nodded, and on wobbly legs, they stepped out onto the ice.

Shawn held one hand and with the other arm, steadied him around the waist.
Bim took baby steps, but at least he hadn't fallen over yet. 
Bim's other hand was gripping the board for dear life, but it seemed to be working.

Eventually, they hit their first corner and Bim steadily gained more confidence the furthur they went. By the time they hit their third corner, Bim was still clinging to Shawn, but he'd let go of the wall which was a step in the right direction. Shawn showed him to glide with his feet instead of march, which was progress as well.

By the time the two hours was up, Bim had progressed to pretty much being able to skate forwards as long as he was holding Shawn's hand for support, which Shawn didn't mind. Although he still couldn't stop without falling down, which only proved to be a little bit of a problem towards the end.
As they took their skates off and put their shoes back on, Bim looking flush from the exercise, Shawn turned to him.
"Did you have fun?"
Bim breaks out into a huge grin, looking at Shawn with his red cheeks, completely abandoning his skates.
He grabbed Shawn's collar, pulling him close and kissing him soundly, not caring who else could see.
"It was amazing. Thank you for showing me this."
Shawn opened and closed his mouth, looking a little like a fish, but he had a hard time responding to that. He settled on grinning like a madman, watching his boyfriend finish lacing up his shoes.
This was definitely on Shawn's top 10 days list.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2017 ⏰

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