Play 6 (Unedited)

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[ Chiyori's P.O.V. ]

"You're still upset, aren't you?" Asami asked.

Currently, me, Asami and Aniki were having our lunch at the favorite place of all time; the school's rooftop.

I blatantly ignored Asami's question and continued munching. I knew I was eating like a pig that had been starve for a week.

Stuffing and stuffing my mouth with food after food it's actually a miracle I was not choking to death.

Who cares? Food is life!

And besides, I was not the only one who's eating like a starved animal. I glanced at my brother and Asami.


The three of us had an enormous appetite when it came to food and it would be pointless to ask where did the food go because it remained, still, as a mystery to us. I'd blame metabolism for this though.

"If you won't stop stuffing yourself, you'll choke later on. Jeez. I didn't know what happened yesterday but you should forget it," Asami said, shoving a piece of omelet into her mouth.

I shot her a death glare. "If you only knew," I mumbled then stuffed my mouth with more food. I was always like this whenever I was upset or frustrated.

"Well... I kind of knew a few details you know. You came home last night, ranting, complaining, and upset about how Aomine stole your food. You're even calling him colorful names."

"Aomine? You saw him yesterday?" Aniki asked.

"Yeah, and it was hell," I replied, becoming even more annoyed as I remembered what he did yesterday.

Well, not just Aomine but Midorima Shintarou as well. A member of the so-called Generation of Miracles blah blah together with his co-teammate in Shutoku High Basketball team, Kazunari Takao.

Kuroko Tetsuya, Kise Ryouta, Aomine Daiki and Midorima Shintarou...

They're members of these so-called Generation of Miracles, prodigies of the decade they said but honestly, they looked like a bunch of typical, a tad bit weird, high schoolers in my opinion.

"That's Aomine-kun for you. He has the habit of stealing food from others."

Asdfghj! My heart!

"Kuroko-kun?! You're here- Chiyori?! What's wrong?!" Asami asked worriedly.

"Wa........ter..... a-anything will d-d-do... just let me live to see another day..." I managed to speak in between as I clutched my chest for dear life.

I was clawing at my throat at this point.

"Here," Asami immediately offered an odd-looking bottle, but the hell with its appearance. I didn't want to die.

I quickly grabbed the bottle of juice or water or whatever from Asami's hands, opened it and drank all of its content...

"Bzzzssshhh!" I blew out all the liquid from my mouth and showered it all to Aniki.

"Chiyori! Look what you've done!" Aniki whined as he took off his uniform, leaving him with only his white T-shirt on.


That was so disgusting. It had an odd, bitter taste and smelled funny. I glared at Asami. "What the hell is this?" I asked, pointing to the bottle angrily.

"That," she pointed to the bottle. "Is the healthy mix I always drink. It consists of different extracted juice from various vegetables," she explained.

He Meets His Match [Kuroko no Basket Fanfiction: Aomine Daiki]Where stories live. Discover now