Play 27 (unedited)

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A/N: I just immediately click publish without doing any proofreading so you'll notice a difference in the way I deliver things and the lack of consistency.

If I had to describe the situation that would be me, having a piggyback ride on Aomine, his hands on my legs and thighs, me wearing a skirt, me feeling uncomfortable and me feeling awfully awkward.

"So... who do you think will win?"

I asked after moments of awkward and deafening silence.

I wanted to pat my back for coming up an excellent ice breaker that wouldn't make me sound like I was trying too hard and smack my face at the same time because it's simply embarrassing.

"I don't really care who's going to win."

Yes, typical Aomine.

After that question, the silence returned and so I just asked a random question to keep the conversation going.

"When did you start playing?" I asked out of no where.

Yes, Chiyori. Pretty much random. It sounds so sooo original.


I snapped out of my sarcastic thoughts as I stared at the back of his head blankly.

For real? Is this idiot perhaps, a middle-aged man?

Of course, I knew he started young because dude...

He is young. He's like what? Sixteen? Seventeen?

"Would you like to elaborate that Captain obvious?" I deadpanned.

"I used to enjoy it back then. There, happy?"

"Oh..." I suddenly felt sorry for some reason.

Used to...

"Do you..." I stared at the back of his neck. "...not enjoy basketball as much now?"

He became silent and an expression of sullenness filled his face.

I did not particularly know nor did I bother to ask my brother or Kuroko about what happened to him during their time in Teiko but it must be scarring...

To be bored of something you enjoyed the most...

"I wouldn't be playing if I am and I just wouldn't back down after that match."

That match...

His answer brought an evil smile to my lips.

So his first ever defeat still stings...

Aomine should be grateful at the fact that I wasn't present when Seirin kicked his self-entitled ass to the ground and to the sport that he excelled the most.

I would be ordering a huge tarpaulin or probably made a banner for that. Probably throw a party and submit an application to make that day a national holiday. Yep. Definitely.

I made an evil laugh mentally.

"Well... Is that an indirect thank you for defeating your 'the only one who can beat me is me' royal ass?" I asked with an evil smirk although I knew he wouldn't see it.

"I mean, it's not like you can blame us for defeating you, coz hell yeah, we defeated you..." I said evilly, emphasizing the word 'you'.

"It's not like the mighty Aomine Daiki can eternally uphold his motto, right? Wait—what was that again? The only one who can beat me is me—"

A vein popped on his forehead. "Another word and I'll drop you!"

I wanna laugh, trust me.

But his response immediately slapped me back to the reality that he's carrying me on his back with my legs dangling securely in his arms.

He Meets His Match [Kuroko no Basket Fanfiction: Aomine Daiki]Where stories live. Discover now