Just Dandy

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Chapter Three: The Rebellion    

In the land of the Sun, his capital Flos,

Where the people's morals are lost,

Lives a young Weed named Dandy Lyon;

Healing is the specialty he honed.

His mother is of Flora blood and his father of Weeds,

But due to the mayor's greed

The boy is snatched away to the camps.

From misfortune and his father's murder, his eyes grow damp.

The sentence for being is a hundred-year term;

With a sound mind, few return.

A century passes;

Through horrors he lasts,

Anger consuming his heart.

This spite he molds as he departs

Into an unwelcoming land.

Sakura's influence expands,

But Lyon dares to stand in her path

Without fear of her wrath.

"Weeds are capable of so much more.

Although they shut opportunity's door,

We can forge our own.

Why would we stay as her meaningless drones?

Let us band together!

Only in numbers do we have a chance to stop her."

Lyon speaks further to his kind,

"Her reign we can undermine."

The revolution he creates to infiltrate

The witch's estate.

The band of thinkers formulate a plan;

Over the course of years, it must span.

The kind healer sets out on his own journey,

A mission to fight depravity.

On his travels, he saves a meek lion cub;

By Lowe the kitten is dubbed.

The loyal beast sticks by his side until his end.

For his ambition, a flock of Bumblions Lyon befriends.

With an army of allies by his side,

The healing boy fights for Weeds' rise.

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