Chapter 1

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Sedayne 2012 - Going Through The Motions

Sedayne stood at the foot of her marble staircase, and looked up at the gallery towards the rooms where her children were getting ready for school. She could hear the soft thumping of music coming from her daughter‘s room.   “As usual” she huffed bulging her eyes and throwing her hands up in the air in frustration.  She stood there pondering whether she had the energy to climb the stairs, and decided she did not. She briefly eyed the lift and decided that she couldn’t manage that either, so instead she chose to bellow up the stairs “Will you lot hurry up, otherwise you’re gonna be late for school!”  Not entirely sure her children had heard her she walked back across the entrance hall, opened the front door and lit a cigarette.

Sedayne stood outside in the hidden alcove, on the right hand side to the entrance of her house, smoking her cigarette and admiring her car, “Aaaah my car, i love my caaaaaar” she sang in between puffs of her cigarette. Sedayne chose to drive only 4x4’s for the school run, because she liked her children to travel in comfort as well as in style. Besides 4x4’s were much better at ploughing through rush hour traffic. Today she was driving her Range Rover she had named Big Bad Black. Big Bad Black was of course black, with huge black rims, black tinted windows and black leather seats. Everything that could be in black was in black. Shiny silver was used only where black couldn’t.  Sedayne stubbed out her cigarette and put it in the astray bin, then walked over got into Big Bad Black to wait for her children. She pulled down the visor,  looks in the mirror and smiles. She had worked so hard to lose all that baby weight and she was thrilled with the results. Her beauty showed more than it had ever done before. She was delighted at the sight of her jaw line and her cheek bones again. Her brown skin is now always silky smooth and has a lovely chocolaty glow. Her brown eyes which she had always thought of as small sparkled and have become more pronounced showing off their beautiful oval shape. When she was younger she hated her full lips but now she loved them, they oozed sexiness. And her hair is simply fabulous, with long luscious black locks that fell about her face and way past her shoulders. She had to admit on a daily basis that she was in love with herself!  She was so engrossed with looking at herself that she did not hear or see her children get into the car “mum, MUM!” Her daughter yelled nudging her in the ribs jolting her out of her reverie, but not enough to get her to stop staring “Muuuuum, come onnnnn were gonna be late for school” Jamelia whined, switching on the cd player and seeking out Rihanna’s song, where have you been? “Well it won’t be my fault will it? I am always ready on time waiting for you lot!” Sedayne managed to get in before Jamelia cranked up the volume, making Big Bad Black vibrate and shake from the bass. Sedayne put on her sunglasses and smiled as she let the rhythm take over her body, nodding her head to the beat. She put Big Bad Black into gear, drove slowly down the gravel driveway and out of the iron entrance gates.

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