Chapter 5

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Sedayne 2002 - Party & Bulls**t

Sedayne checked herself in the mirror one last time and applied another layer of lip gloss, before grabbing her keys and running out of the door after Paul who had already started walking down the road to meet their friends Alia and Aisha. Alia is Sedayne’s best friend from college and Aisha is Alia’s older sister. Both of them have just moved into the house across the road from Paul and Sedayne. Sedayne catches up to Paul and grabs his hands intertwining her fingers with his. Paul looks her up and down “you look nice, baby girl” She looks up at Paul from underneath her lashes “thank you” she replies with her softest girly voice. Sedayne looks across over the road when she hears Aisha’s voice “hurry up you guys, you’re always late”. Alia laughs as Paul points his finger at Sedayne on the sly.

Alia and Sedayne are holding hands skipping ahead in front, whispering and giggling in their own crazy little world leaving Aisha and Paul behind. Paul and Aisha don’t mind as they are close in age and often have good conversations while sharing a spliff. Paul loves to watch Alia and Sedayne together. Their friendship and the love they have for one another is something he has never before seen between two girls that are not sisters. Sedayne always reverts back to her true self whenever she is in Alia’s company. Paul had given Sedayne the nickname ‘Alice’ as in Alice in wonderland, because she was always off away in her own little world. She has a wild and crazy imagination, and often surprises him when she reveals to him, the goings on in her head. Sedayne is fun, a child at heart and carefree and often goes into what he calls ‘hyper mode’ where she will do things like play music ear splittingly loud for hours on end and dance around the place like a crazy lady. Paul thought that this was when Sedayne was at her best. She would get some of her best ideas during these times and would always have Paul laughing so much his sides hurt. Alia brought out the best in Sedayne and Sedayne brought out the best in Alia. They spoke their own language and understood each other like no one else could. They are like two crazy pixie girls, with their own magic fairy dust keeping them on a constant high, whenever they were together. Most times Paul and Aisha had to take on the role of parents to keep them both under control. Paul laughed to himself and said to Aisha “look at those two, if I didn’t know them, I would have thought that they had just escaped from an asylum” Aisha doubled over laughing out loud. Sedayne and Alia stopped skipping turned around and looked at them, both girls cocking their head to the same side. After some further scrutinsation from both girls Alia shouted out “hurry up grandma and granddad, we don’t want to be late” Sedayne and Alia erupted into fits of giggles then resumed their skipping. Paul and Aisha quickened their pace; otherwise they would be late which meant they would miss out on free entry in to Yates.

After clearing security on the doors, the first port of call upon entering Yates for all four of them was to head over to the bar. “I’m getting the first round, who wants what?” Paul shouts to all three over the music “JD and coke” Aisha and Alia shout back in unison. Paul looks at Sedayne and raises one of his eyebrows. She shrugs her shoulders and sighs “the usual”. Paul shakes his head “nah, i am not spending my good money on orange juice, your having Malibu and pineapple”. Then he turns around to catch the bartender’s attention.  After Paul hands them their drinks they all walk over and stand at the edge of the dance floor. The dj plays a song by Wayne Wonder and Sedayne, Alia and Aisha take to the dance floor and start dancing whining their waists in time with the music. Paul stays where he is with his back against the pillar nodding his head to the music.  The dj bangs out track after track keeping all four of them up dancing. Sedayne is glad that she wore the shortest skirt she could find, with her boy short knickers over her thong underneath and her string vest with her padded black bra, which meant she didn’t have clothes sticking to her with sweat. Sedayne squeals when the dj starts playing her favourite song by Rupee called tempted to touch and she quickly makes her way over to Paul and starts gyrating on his crutch, with her butt. She bends over, enjoying the feeling of Paul getting hard behind her. Paul puts his hands on her waist and pulls her back into him even more, he starts gyrating with her, their bodies moving in sync to the music. When the song is over she turns around and kisses him, Paul flicks his tongue in her mouth to tease her. Her nipples get hard and she starts to feel wet in her knickers. Someone barges into them rudely interrupting their heated moment. But when she turns to see who it is they are already lost in the crowd. Sedayne alternates between dancing with the girls and gyrates in front of Paul until the lights come on. Alia and Aisha are stumbling giggling and holding each other up, from having too much to drink. Sedayne and Paul look at each other and burst into fits of laughter. They both know that Alia and Aisha are lightweights and only probably had about five drinks between them. When they step outside Paul puts his arm around Sedayne “I can’t wait to get you home” he whispers into her ear and brings her hand down to feel how hard he is. She wraps her had around it and gently tugs it “I can’t wait to get home to have it” she purrs back up at him.

As soon as they get through their front door, they start ripping of each other’s clothes. Sedayne puts her arms around Paul’s neck and caresses the back of his head as she kisses him, he moves down leaving a trail of kisses down her neck and on her chest until he reaches her breasts, he licks her nipples and nibbles them between his teeth, she groans and starts to slide down the wall, desperate for him to enter her. Paul lifts her up and she puts her feet against the wall on the other side, propping herself up. Paul kneels down on the floor in front of her and bury’s his face in between her legs.  She moans louder as she feels the soft strokes of his tongue, Paul moves his tongue faster and she grabs hold of his hair pushing his head in deeper, rocking her waist back and forth and grinding against his mouth, he sucks on her clitoris and her legs start to shake as she comes to a climax, Paul leaves her with no time to catch her breath as he stands up quickly and plunges deep into her making her scream out in pleasure, she wraps her legs around his waist and he ploughs into her going deeper and getting quicker with each stroke, bringing them both into a climax together. Paul rests his head in the crook of her neck as he catches his breath. Sedayne looks over his shoulder and into the mirror. She is smiling like the cat that has had its cream. She notices the scratch marks she has left on his back and starts to stroke them loving the contrast of seeing her brown arms and legs wrapped around his white back. When Pauls breathing is back to normal he carry’s her to the bedroom and they both fall into bed.

The next day Sedayne, Paul, Alia and Aisha are back in Yates, honouring their tradition of chilling out and having their Sunday roast at Yates, after being there on a night out. “I think I’m going to have the roast dinner too” Sedayne finally decides and puts down the menu “so that’s four roast dinners and one chicken Caesar salad” the waiter confirms back to them “yep” Paul answers nodding his head in agreement. After the waiter leaves Carlene another childhood friend of Sedayne rubs her stomach “I really did want the roast dinner too, but baby doesn’t like it” and she makes a sad face. Alia rolls her eyes, Paul turns away in disgust, Sedayne smacks her hand to her forehead and Aisha looks at her “but I thought you’re not keeping it?” she asks, “yeah I know, but it still makes me go off the food I like, and its so annoying” Sedayne starts to regret inviting Carlene to join them, when she bumped into her outside Yates. Carlene looks down and starts rubbing her belly again. “Why don’t you just keep it this time” Sedayne asks exasperated. Carlene looks up snapping out of her thoughts “nah I can’t, he said he don’t want it and will leave me if I keep it”. Sedayne shakes her head, takes Carlene’s hands between her own “but ultimately IT IS your choice, you know that don’t you?” Sedayne eyes plead with Carlene. Sedayne has always hated that terminations are used as a form of contraception for some, which is always the case with Carlene as this would now be her fifth one and she still shows no interest in going to a clinic and getting some free condoms. Carlene puts her hand back on her belly “Yeah, I know but it’s for the best this way because, I don’t want to lose him, and I want to be able to carry on with my singing”. Carlene looks up at Sedayne with sad eyes. Sedayne is again left stung by the fact that despite Carlene’s obvious sadness every time she is in this situation, she always uses this same lame excuse, knowing full well she doesn’t mean it. Paul looks over at Carlene with piercing eyes and addresses her with a sharp tone “just make sure you don’t regret it, this time”. Sedayne sees tears well up in Carlene’s eyes and is about to comfort her, when the waiter arrives back at their table. “Who ordered the Caesar salad?” the waiter asks holding up five plates “oh yay, me, I did” Carlene smiles practically jumping out of her seat, overly glad for the interruption. Alia kicks Sedayne’s ankle under the table, to discreetly get her attention. Alia then leans in over the table and whispers through clenched teeth “DON’T you ever invite her again!”

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