Chapter 8

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Sedayne 2012: Work It Baby

“And I just wanna love you like you deserve” Sedayne sings grinding in her seat as she drives back home after dropping her children off at school. She stops at a red light and turns up the volume some more “i need an extra day in the week, an hour on the clock, just to show you how beautiful you are, you’re so good to meeeeeee yeah, boy you’re so good to meeeeeee yeah” Sedayne is at the top of her voice now and her singing carries out her window and catches the attention of a couple in a car in the lane next to her. “You sing it girl” the woman says to her. Sedayne smiles back and keeps singing “i need an extra month on the year, one extra holiday, just to kiss you all over your face”. The lights change and she waves goodbye to the couple as she turns left in to Tesco. She parks Big Bad Black, walks into Tesco with a spring in her step. Sedayne is thinking about the man in her life. She loves him so much it hurts and is everything she could have asked for and more. She hopes she will get to spend some quality time with him soon.

Sedayne waves to the security guard as she passes him on her way over to the kiosk, to buy cigarettes. She then walks over to the Krispy Kreame counter and picks up two selection boxes and pays for them at one of the self service tills. She gently puts the donuts on the passenger’s side chair and quickly runs around to the other side. I need to get a move on or i am going to be late, she thinks to herself.

Sedayne cuts the engine, when she arrives back home and hops down from Big Bad Black. She picks up the donuts and walks around the side of her house. Sedayne runs her business from home.  When things started to get busy she had a warehouse built and attached to her house. She liked the idea of being able to get from work to home with just one step, plus it was more practical when she had to work late or more importantly when an idea popped into her head she just HAD to draw. Now she is using the employee entrance. She presses the buzzer and someone opens buzzes her in. Music is blaring, the machines are going and people are busy doing their jobs. “Hey guys” she shouts. Someone cuts the music and they all turn to look at her “i got donuts” she hold up the boxes. Her team of employees cheer. Ben her P.A. comes up and takes the boxes from her and deposits them on the table in the lounge area. Sedayne loves her warehouse it has a misted glass roof and windows that come all the way down, and stop just above head height. The walls are painted light bluish grey and there are loads of bright lights, which hang down from white metal beams. There is a row of drawing stations against one side, one row of sewing machines and another row for material cutting and against the other wall are the specialist machines. At the front of the warehouse near the entrance is the kitchen and Sedayne’s office both with a glass walls so she can see out into the warehouse. In front of these is the lounge area, where her employees can chill and where Sedayne holds the meetings. Sedayne’s warehouse is massive. She uses an electric roller scooter to get from the front to the back, but she loves it. She has a team of 20 and they are her extended family. Sedayne designs the clothes and her team help her to make them when the orders come in. Everything is made to order so no two items are exactly the same and all designs are limited. Sedayne shuns mass production and won’t ever hear of it as something she should do! Sedayne also welcomes designs and ideas from her team too, and gives them 50% of all the profits made from their design. Sedayne goes into her office and call Ben at his desk “Ben darling, can i see the samples now” she says to him when he answers, “i was just on my over with them actually, give me one sec” Ben hangs up. “Cool” Sedayne’s says to herself. The best part of her job is seeing her designs come to life. Ben arrives at her office and wheels in the rail of samples. Sedayne spends the next four hours, drinking copious amounts of coffee as she approves, improves, alters and scraps the sample designs. She now has two hours to spare before she has to leave to collect her children for school. She leans back in her chair and sighs. Sedayne is living her dreams, quicker than she had expected because for once in her life she got lucky. She had lied to her family when they had asked her where the money had come from in order for her expand so quickly. She had told her family that an old fashion designer from Spain had invested into her company but wanted to remain an anonymous silent partner. At the time Sedayne had lied because she was worried about what worms would come out of the woodwork, if the truth had been revealed, but as much as she loved and was thankful for her business sometimes she felt guilty. When she had qualified from the London College of Fashion, she immediately got a loan, registered her company, started making some of her designs and sold them on eBay. It was going really well and she had even managed to take on a couple of staff members and if she hadn’t of had that stroke of luck, she would of slowly and steadily built her business up. She was glad and grateful that her company was successful and firing on all cylinders now but she felt like a fake. Her mother and father had worked for everything they had and she was programmed to do the same, and because of this sometimes she feels as if she has cheated.

Ben rushes into her office, sits down in the chair across from her desk, iPad in hand, and starts talking a hundred miles per minute “okay missy, remember tomorrow you are out of the office all day, first you will be going to Hamleys to collect the wish gift toys for the children in Great Ormond Street, i will be collecting the gifts from everywhere else, then you and I will meet at the hospital so you can personally give the gifts out, then you have an appointment at the beauty salon to get ready for your charity unveiling party at Brigadier Court Hotel where you are the host” Ben finishes taking a breath. “Wait, what?, BEN, you know i don’t like hosting these things, you know I’m no good at public speaking” Sedayne whines. “Heck yeah, i know that Sedayne but you specifically asked to be the host at this one” Ben replies moving his hands furiously over his iPad. Sedayne furrows her brows “oh yeah i remember now, i forgot because we planned all this months ago”.  Sedayne had asked to be the host because it’s her very own not for profit charity that she set up to help obese children. Ben looks up and relaxes, relieved that he hasn’t made a mistake; he pushes his glasses back up on his nose, “good gawd Sedayne, why do always have to do that to me”. Sedayne starts laughing “Ben your such a nut case. Getting all flustered every time you think I’m going to yell at you”. Ben starts laughing too “yeah well you didn’t hear yourself that day, i don’t ever wanna be on the receiving end when you’re like that” “well you won’t ever have to be unless you too try to sell my designs”. Ben flaps his hand “i aint stupid i know i got a good....” Ben’s iPad makes a noise,”oh Sedayne you gotta leave now hun, you need to collect your dry cleaning before you start the school run”. Ben gets up to leave “OK chicken, i shall see you at the hospital tomorrow” she blows him a kiss “damn skippy” Ben starts to leave “oh and if you get stuck everything is in your calendar ok”  he tells her and points at her iPad “ok thanks Ben”. Sedayne grabs her bag and says goodbye to her team happy that she had been able to snag the last donut.

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