Chapter 13

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Natalie's POV
Me and Aaron walked into school with our hands intertwined and Ivy walked up to us. I raised an eyebrow as she smirked at us. "You got some nerve exposing me like that." She snapped at me. I let go of Aaron's hand and smirked at her. "Listen here short stack, come near me and my friends again and I'll beat the shit out of you." I said looking down at her. She shrunk back in fear as I glared at her. I watched her run away from me and I felt Aaron's hand grab mine. "I'm proud that you stood up for us." He said. I nodded and we walked into our first period classes. "Look who Aaron got with." I turned around and immediately slapped Gene. "Don't ever talk about my boyfriend like that." I growled. He looked at me and so did other kids. I scoffed and slumped down in my seat and listened to the announcements about graduation.


Me and Aaron were sitting next to each other as we waited to get our diploma and finally graduate. "Natalie Junakin, Aaron Lycan please come to the stage." I smiled and held Aaron's hand in my own as we went up. "As you know Aaron and Natalie have both received full scholarships for different universities, but Natalie will be giving a speech and as will Aaron." The principal said. He handed me a mic and I stepped to the front of the stage. "Well I have to go to Colorado tomorrow. It kinda sucks because I'll be leaving my friends behind and my boyfriend. I'd like to thank my friends that have stood by me. My werewolf class teacher and of course Aaron for being with me through all this craziness. For he was the only human that really accepted me. I always knew that werewolves that asked me out wanted to be alpha, but Aaron didn't know he had become one. He had truly wanted to be with me for me. I'm leaving a lot of friends behind this year and it hurts me to say that I won't see any of them for maybe four years at least. Let us seniors leave this school and start a new, glorious, and hectic chapter in our lives." I said while Aaron held my hand. I handed him the mic and listened as he cleared his throat. "I don't have very many friends, Natalie was one of the first people to befriend me because of a study date...that was probably the first time I knew that I loved her. She is the most helpful, caring, loving, and toughest person and werewolf I know. She always stood by me and when she found out that I didn't like Lilly, let's just say that's when I knew she truly loved me. School is a place where we come to learn, but to me it's that starting point to make friends and to find love." I teared up, but blinked away the tears. "Let's end this school year with a bang!" Confetti canons went off and we all threw our hats in the air. I grabbed mine and Aaron grabbed his. "I want you to have this to remember me bye." I said putting my cap on his head. He did the same to me and placed a soft kiss on my lips. "Party at our house!" Luke shouted. Everyone followed him out of the school and I rolled my eyes. "C'mon don't you wanna have some fun before we leave for college." Aaron smiled and we walked out to my car and drove to my house where people already filled the whole house and music was blaring. "Let's go to the roof." I climbed a ladder to the roof and I looked down at Aaron who was climbing up. His hand slipped, but I caught it and smiled down at him. "This feels familiar." I chuckled. He rolled his eyes playfully and climbed up the rest of the way. We sat side by side and watched the moon and I felt Aaron pull me closer to his side. "Remember when I first got here and I was greeted by Gene on the ground because you punched him." He said. I let out a laugh and nodded remembering that little weasel. "I hope he straightens himself out and maybe he'll get a good girl and maybe do something other than graffiti my house." Aaron looked at me and raised an eyebrow. "Yeah I called the cops, but I told them to let him off with a warning just to scare him, I think that was the first time I met him." I said. "You know I never thought I would meet someone as good as you in my life but now I know it's possible to have a high school sweetheart." He whispered. I nodded and leaned my head on his shoulder. "You are the most perfect person I've ever met. I hate that I have to leave." I said feeling tears prick my eyes. "Please don't cry, you are so much better with a smile on." He chuckled wiping a tear away. I nodded and kissed his cheek. "Shit I have to pack." I said standing up. "I'll help you." He said. I jumped off the roof. He jumped too and landed in my arms bridal style. I dropped him and started laughing. "Ha. Ha. Ha. Very funny." He said sarcastically. We ran inside and I glared at all of the broken glasses and over turned furniture. "EVERYONE SHUT IT! IF YOU DON'T GET OUT OF MY HOUSE IN THE NEXT FIVE SECONDS YOU'RE ALL IN TROUBLE!" I  shouted. Everyone screamed like little girls and ran out of my house. I caught Luke by his tail and pulled him into the living room. "This better be cleaned by tomorrow." I said crossing my arms over my chest. "Yes ma'am." He said running off to clean. I laughed and ran upstairs with Aaron trailing behind me. I brought out my two suitcases from my closet and duffel bag. I quickly grabbed all of my clothes and packed them in my suitcase while Aaron packed all of my memorables. "You kept this." I heard Aaron say from behind me. I turned around and smiled at the wolf plushie Aaron gave me as a gift when I helped him study. "Of course, it was a gift." I said not telling how I cuddled it at night. "Well I'm glad you did." He said putting it in my duffel bag. Aaron grabbed my hands and brought them to his face. I placed them gently on either side of his face and smiled at him. "I will come back I promise." I said my voice cracking. I looked away from him and felt tears slide down my cheeks. "You will always have my heart Natalie." He whispered. He lifted my chin and kissed my lips gently. "You'll always have mine too Aaron." I replied looking at him. "Hey Natalie, I finished cleaning and Dad is here. Aaron I'm glad you met my sister. I'm proud to call you one of my friends." Luke said smiling at Aaron. I hugged Aaron tightly and he grabbed one of my suitcases and we walked downstairs and loaded up our car. I turned to look at Aaron and he took something out from behind him. He gave it to Luke and pulled me to his side and kissed my lips gently. Luke took a Polaroid picture and I smiled. He handed the picture to me and I hugged Aaron one last time. "I guess this is good bye." Aaron said. "More like see you later." I replied smiling. O kissed his forehead and got into the car. I wiggled Aaron's jacket out of a box and slipped it around me. I felt a red mask I wore in the box and pulled it out. "Stop the car." I said I got out and ran over to Aaron. "Here have this." I said wrapping it around his wrist. I ran back to my car and we drove away and I smiled to myself. 'I'll see you later alpha' I smirked.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2019 ⏰

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