Chapter 7: Lance, Hunk, and Jodi: An Odd Power

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(A little trivia about this story and the rest of the Voltron cast's relationship to the Dreamers,  I didn't get into Voltron till 8, which is the last season. Where have I been when this wonderful series came out? Well, it was 2016, so I was more or less focused on marvel, I got into Yuki Yuna is a Hero, and Miraculous Ladybug Season 2 came out. I was already editing and fixing up the Dreamers, so there was no way I could add Voltron without adding another huge arch of stories. I decided to let them appear in a five part book special which takes place about 15 years later. I won't spoil anything for that! Well, enjoy a young Lance and Hunk before they were shot into space and had to fight many dangerous battles! Enjoy!) 

(Jodi's POV)

          After the Dreamers and I defeated Lady Moon from taking over our school and winning the tournament, America had called us.

"Since the Magic Games have happened, the nations and I were worried about other schools around the world" America explained in the video chat.

We were concerned about this. If there were other magic schools out there, then who knows what kind of danger we are facing.

"Do you know any country we should check first?" Ben asked seriously.

America took out a list and adjusted his glasses.

"Well, Cuba, Ecuador, Thailand, Italy, Czech Republic, Andorra, Portugal, Tibet, Ireland, Seychelles, Australia, New Zealand, Estonia, Ukraine, Kenya, and Uganda" America answered.

We looked at each other nervously. Not all of us have traveled outside our country before.

"How are we supposed to do this? I can take anyone going to Europe with me, but what about the other countries?" Perry asked timidly.

America just laughed as he reassured warmly "Don't worry! I have that under control!"

It was after that meeting I found myself on a plane flying to Cuba. I didn't expect America to take this seriously. I looked out the window and saw the beautiful tropical wildlife here. I carried my bag as I exited the plane. I saw a big man with a yellow shirt on. He had a cigar in his mouth as he waved to me.

"Buenos Dias! I'm Cuba. Canada informed me on the situation. I have a private room for you at a hotel. I will be by your side as well" he said as he extended his hand.

"Thank you. My name is Jodi" I answered as we shook hands.

We were taken to a somewhat fancy hotel. The hotel had shinning white stone floor and large open windows. I didn't expect this. Cuba handed me the room key and guided me to my room. However, as we passed the reception desk, I heard and saw a couple talking about restaurant while a young boy was sitting on the ground holding a toy wrench. There was something very unique about that boy. I went to my room to rest. My room had one queen bed with a very clean bathroom. I put my bag down and went to my bed for a nice long nap. It was evening when I woke up. I decided to take a walk around the area. I opened my commlink to detect any sort of magic near me. So far, nothing.

"Maybe Cuba is a safe place" I told myself as I looked around the area.

It was a bit lonely though. It was nice to be in warm weather and enjoy the shops. As I was walking around, I passed a family with children. I stopped in my tracks and turned to look at the family. I looked at the family and searched for the source of this odd power I was feeling.

"What is going on?" I asked myself as I stopped looking at the happy family and went to a café.

I tapped on another icon on the commlink and looked at my contacts. The only Dreamer awake was Nina, and that was the person I wanted to talk to. I tapped Nina's icon and waited for a while.

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