Chapter 17: 6 Princess of Heart, Sarah, and Mary: Protecting the Key

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(Mary's POV)

                    Despite Soren and Nina being trained by the Keyblade Wielders, the two of them do not know much about Disney. Well, that is not fair to say. The two of them do know something about Disney, but they do not know everything about the Disney Princesses. This is where Sarah and I step in I suppose. The two of us actually know something about the princesses.

"So, you want us to meet with the princesses? Does this include Kairi?" I asked curiously.

Sarah and I were facing Master Yen Sid in his tower.

"No. She is currently with the other Keyblade Wielders. They are solving a mystery together. She's safe. However, the two of you will head to Radiant Garden to meet with the princesses. I just want to make sure they are safe"

That isn't too hard. If we just have to check on them, then we report back and move on to important tasks. Sarah gripped her emerald and teleported us to Radiant Garden. We walked to the castle to find them conversing with the knights of Radiant Garden.

"Ah! You must be the two Dreamers we've heard so much about!" Alice said in delight as she skipped towards us.

"Alice is a princess?" I asked confused.

Alice doesn't rule over a kingdom. She's just a girl with a very vivid imagination.

"You are not wrong, Mary" Ienzo said as he held his clipboard and took notes, "They are the Princesses of Heart. Alice isn't royalty, but she does a pure light. This pure light let's her be a Princess of Heart"

I guess that makes sense. This be the Kingdom Hearts side of things.

"All of their lights, including Kairi's, are still with them" Ienzo concluded as he walked to Even and handed him the clipboard.

"Good. We just have to make sure they get home safely now. That is where you two come in for us" Even said as he recoded the data in his computer.

"What do we do?" Sarah asked seriously.

"Make sure the princesses are safe" Even replied, "Dilan and Aelesus are busy at the moment with Isa and Lea"

Well, at least this will be a simple assignment for us. However, the lights started to flicker and flash. The lights completely shut down, and red lights turned on. Even quickly began to type up something.

"What is happening?" Sarah asked as we rushed to the computer.

"I am not sure. I can't even access Tron. Someone must've overridden the system" Even said seriously as he continued to type on the computer.

"For someone to do this, that would mean someone is attacking us outside of the castle" Ienzo said seriously and turned to Sarah and me, "Mary please go outside and stop the trouble from reaching us"

I nodded my head and rushed outside as the princesses looked concerned.

"Don't worry! Everything will be ok!" I reassured them as I rushed outside and prepared myself for a fight.

(Sarah's POV)

Of course, nothing is ever simple with us. This is why I wanted Jay or Nina to do this. I don't want to do this. The only reason I came was to meet the princesses, and one of the princesses isn't even a princess.

"Sarah please stay with the princesses while Even and I try to reboot the system from the inside generator" Ienzo said seriously.

"Sure" I replied as I held my emerald.

The two scientists left me alone with the princesses.

"I do hope they can fix this. I would like to be home before my parents return from their meetings" Princess Aurora said sadly.

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