Chapter 6: Thor, Loki, Nina, and Nerissa, Siblings

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(No joke, Nina and Nerissa's sibling relationship reminds me a lot of Thor and Loki's. I thought it was funny! Nina is Thor while Nerissa was Loki. Nerissa is kind of threatening person who wouldn't hesitate to get what she really wants while Nina is Thor who has to make sure her sister doesn't do anything reckless and dangerous. I also enjoyed Thor 3 so much. Hands down one of the best Marvel movies! Also, we need more Thor and Loki's sibling relationship! It would be nice to see! Well, I hope this story suffices for now. Enjoy!)

             Instead of going to class, Nina and Nerissa were called to the tower by Master Yen Sid. There was a certain world in danger. Thor's planet was having trouble with the heartless. Naturally, Soren and Nina would go and handle the heartless problems, but that was not the case.

"You want us to investigate this?" Nina asked confused.

"Yes. I believe you two can handle this" Master Yen Sid stated.

Nina glanced at Nerissa. Nerissa shrugged. To be honest, she wasn't sure if they were the right persons for the job. Nina bowed to the Master and the two of them went outside. Nina raised Wonder Light. She unlocked the keyhole, and the two sisters were transported to Marvel. The girls landed in Oklahoma.

"Why are we here?" Nerissa asked curiously as she looked behind them.

Nina turned her sister around, and Nerissa was surprised. In front of the sisters was a giant castle.

"I think we found them" Nina said as she walked up to the doors.

She knocked on the doors, and the giant doors opened. The people were surprised to see the sisters.

"Hi, uh we are here to help Thor. Can we please see him? Nina asked the worried people.

However, the people seemed frightened of them. Nerissa walked into the city and looked for Thor. As she saw the city, heartless jumped out! Nina summoned Wonder Light and quickly defeated the heartless.

"What happened?" Nina asked surprised.

The people still would not talk to them. Nina was getting slightly annoyed with the people while Nerissa kept on walking.

"THOR! WHERE ARE YOU?!" Nerissa shouted annoyed.

Before Nina could say anything, a girl on a Pegasus flew towards them. She held a silver sword and pointed the sword at them.

"Why do you want to talk to Thor?" she asked.

"Thor called us here" Nerissa said unamused.

She lowered her sword and walked around the sisters.

"You're the Dreamers?" she asked unimpressed.

"Well, there are 16 Dreamers, but we are two Dreamers who answered his call" Nina answered calmly.

The girl nodded, but she snapped her fingers. The Pegasus flew back to the castle while watching the sisters. After a while, the Pegasus came back with Loki. Nina threw her keyblade at Loki and knocked him down!

"Why is he here?!" Nina asked as her keyblade came back to her.

Nerissa stopped her sister from attacking Loki. Loki stood up while the girl tended to her Pegasus.

"He helped save Asgard" the girl answered.

Nina was shocked while Nerissa just shrugged.

"Nice to see you two again. How have you been?" Loki asked with a smile.

"We are ok" Nerissa answered.

"Are you still with Evil Powers?" Nina asked seriously.

"No. I decided to save my home. However, something is happening at the palace. We do need your help" Loki said calmly as he bowed to the sisters.

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