Chapter 11: Big Hero 6, Soren, and Perry, Save the Day

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(Yes, I messed up the chapters order! So sorry about that! So, this is one of my favorite Disney movies and KH worlds! Honestly, the movie had such an inspiring message as well as a great soundtrack! Enjoy everyone!)

(Soren's POV)

                   As Perry was making some adjustments to my armor and teaching Nerissa, Ben walked in with his laptop.

"I've been meaning to ask you two something. How did you get that armor as a gift?" he asked as he sat at a table.

I glanced with Perry as a nervous smile spread across my face.

"It is kind of a long story..." Perry said sheepishly.

"We've got time" Ben said as he prepared a document to type up.

Oh, boy, we've got a fun story to share. Let's rewind about a week before the Super Smash Brothers Tournament we held at the school. I was helping Perry with sparring.

"You're getting better" I said as I waved my keyblade down, "So, you just need help with your elemental power?"

"Being the Master of Wind just feels weird. Like I can't seem to control it" Perry admitted.

"It takes time. I had the same issue with my Elemental Power" I reassured him as I opened the Journal and made my keyblade disappear.

"Is the Journal ok?" Perry asked concerned.

"It's fine" I reassured him, "I just don't know what the Journal is exactly"

Perry examined it as I recorded some events that happened today in the Journal. Nina does keep the Notebook with her, but there's more power in the Notebook than my Journal. In fact, the only time these two items were used was when Evil Powers kidnapped Preselzee and stole it from us. After that, they haven't been used. I wonder if these items were never meant to do anything expect restore evil.

"I wouldn't worry about it too much" Perry tried to reassure me, "Maybe the items will relieve their powers to us when it is time to"

I nodded my head at him. That sounds about right to me. However, before I could say anything on the matter, I heard something crackle. I looked up and saw the keyhole shinning?!

"That shouldn't be happening" Perry said nervously as I closed the Journal and handed it to him.

I drew my keyblade in front of myself as I waited for the attacker. However, someone was thrown out of the keyhole and crashed into me! I let out a yell and hit the wall as Perry jumped away. He adjusted his glasses and turned to face the keyhole. The keyhole shined as Isa's nightmare burst from it!

"Perry!" I shouted as I pushed the person wearing blue armor off me.

He held the Journal close to himself and waved his hand downward to send Isa back! Woah. His powers over space is amazing. His powers are growing stronger.

"Be careful" the person mumbled in pain, "He's strong..."

"Don't worry. I can handle him. Just rest here for a moment" I said as I swung my keyblade at Isa.

I hope I can stop Isa's nightmare. I bet Lea misses him. I don't know how Roxas and Xion will feel though. Those two might not like this, but maybe Isa is supposed to be saved. I slammed my keyblade on Isa's claymore and tried to push him back as Perry ran to the person in the blue armor.

"Hey! Isa's nightmare! Do you remember Lea?" I asked as I felt Isa push me back, "Or what mission you possible had?"

Oh, that was a bad idea. He used his full might to knock me back! I was about to hit the wall, but I didn't. I opened my eyes to see Perry holding me in place using his powers! Oh, what a relief.

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