Chapter 2

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I had got home from work and the pack was having a barbeque out on our front lawn. It was huge as we lived in a masion practically. I got changed in some jeans and a t-shirt and sat at the tabel with Hilda and some others,

There was a game of rugby. Konnie, thats my mate by the way, was playing in it and she looked so hot, all hot and sweaty. It made my wolf go mad. Her mum sat down with us with some food for us and we all watched the rugby game,

They stopped for food and Konnie came over for her burger that was at our table.

"Go for a sleep!" her mum said, it was her birthday and she was yet to find out who her mate was.

"Nah, im good!" I felt slightly hurt by it, but I knew she didnt mean it.

"Go to sleep! You're exhausted!" her mum siad and Konnie smiled.

"You just want to find out who my mate is!" she said and her mum smiled, "True now remember whoever it is, we dont mind as long as they treat you right!" she said and Konnie nodded.

"cool!" she said and went under the oak tree we normally sit at talking. She sat under it with her head resting against the trunk while reading a book and she looked so peaceful and calm. It wasn't long until she was asleep and I couldnt help but watch her.

I noticed it was just me and her mum at the table now. Then, her dad came over and sat beside her. "It's you, isn't it?" I heard her dad say.

"Pardon?" I asked, and they both smiled.

"You're her mate, arent you?"

How could I say no? They would find out soon enough. "Yeah, I am. How did you know? She hasn't woken up yet?" I asked and he smiled.

"Call it Alpha-Dad and mate insincts!" he said and I nodded and looked at Konnie who was just waking up,

She stretched and yawned and it was adorable. She scratched the back of her neck and Ronald, our Omega ran up to her and she swung him in her arms and he laughed. They talked before he ran off to play.

She was acting as if she had just had a normal rest. There were no glances at me, no nothing, as she got a burger of the Barbeque. "Konnie come sit!" her mum said as she went to go over to another table.

She smiled and came over and sat beside me and it was so tempting to talk about it but her parents were there. "What's up?" she asked taking a bite from the burger and she was mesmerizing.

"So..." her mum began and Konnie just looked at her.

"so..." she repeated and her mums sighed. "Konnie Batman Gillern! You tell me who your mate is!" Yes, her middle name is Batman.

Konnie smiled. "It's a person!" she said and her mum shook her head "Well, naw!" she said and Konnie smirked.

"Well, it could have been a rat or a dog!" she said and i raised an eyebrow.

"Seriously?" I asked and she shrugged.

"It's not impossible!" she said and I shook my head.

"So, who is it?" her mum asked even though she already knew.

"A person on the planet!" she said and her mum groaned. "Okay, are they male?" she asked and Konnie shook her head. "No!" she said and her mum smiled.

"So female, do we know them?" she asked and Konnie nodded.

"Hey, mum guess what?" she asked and her mum smiled.


"I already know that you know! Wolf remember?" she said pointing to her ears, noting our hearing and I suddenly went red. Her mum just stared at her.

"Come on George, lets go!" she said pulling her husband away before he could argue. 

"So..." I said as she took a bite of her, burger finishing it off. "So.." she repeated.

"You're my mate!" we said at the same time then shyly smiled.

"But you're my student!" I said and she nodded.

"Round of applause for you!" she said and I rolled my eyes but couldnt help but smile.

"So, you've known the whole time!" she said and I nodded. "Uh-huh and it was hard not telling you!" I said and she nodded.

"Cool!" she said and I nodded. "So you're my teacher and my mate...hmm!" she said and I laughed slightly, this was all too awkward.

"So...what now?" she asked and I looked at her.

Then I did the stupidest thing I had ever done. With all the pressure and fear that I had built up since I first saw her after my dream. Since I saw her walk into my class laughing with her best friend Nikki. I did the stupidist thing,

"I reject you!" It came out in a whisper that only a wolf could pick up. She looked at me, both shocked and hurt. Very hurt. She was automatcilly in love with me the minute she woke up and not even an hour later, I rejected her all because I'm scared. What kind of wolf am I?

"Ehm.. okay...yup...uh-huh, well....that happened!" she said and I could see the tears forming in her eyes as she looked away. Her watch beeped and I knew it meant she had to go for a run as she was an Alpha in training.

"I need to go sorry!" she said and darted off into the woods. My wolf was angry at me for rejecting my mate and ordering me to go after her and I did, finally listening to it. I followed her scent to the lake and that's when it disappeared.

I got worried and scanned the lake but couldn't see anything. I looked near the lake and nothing. I looked well into the next morning but there was nothing. I was scared to go back and face her mum and dad cause I knew they had heard. They all did. It was inevitable.

I got back in and as it was five in the morning, only the Alpha and his mate was up. We just looked at each other for what seemed like years.

"We understand," Alpha said, breaking the silence and I was shocked to say the least.

"You were scared about the whole teacher thing--we understand!" her mum said and I nodded.

"I overreacted though! While looking for her, I came to that conclusion. I didn't need to. Though, I already knew but still--"

"We also agree, you should know then that she left the territory. We can't find her scent anywhere and I'm calling neighboring packs but nothing!" Alpha said concerned and I felt so guilty.

"Don't be. You both overreacted. She should have stayed and talked and you shouldn't have rejected her. Maybe wait until she graduated but not reject, but she definitely shouldn't have ran off or at least come back and tell us or stay!" her mum said and I had forgot that she could read minds.

"I'm going to bed!" I said and they nodded. I went up to my room and just lay in my bed staring at the celing until the floods came out and I burst into tears. I had just lost the love of my life and it's all my fault!

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