Chapter 6

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I had aranged with the Alpha to have a chat with him and i knocked on his office door. As Konnie was away he had to step in until she came back. "come- in!" he said in his Alpha voice and i stepped into the office,

I sat in the chair opposite his desk and he smiled at me "Tara what can i do for you?" he asked and i smiled shyly "well you see im having weird dreams about Konnie, and not in that kind of way!" i said as he gave me a weird look,

"its more like well im seeing things i guess is a way to put it. I think i can see what she's up to on her mission!" i said and he looked at me for a moment. He turned to the bookshelves behind him and brought out a large brown book that was covered in dust.

He passed it to me and i raised an eyebrow "read this it might help!" he said and i took the book 'Mystic Minds' it said and i nodded "thank you Alpha!" i said and he nodded "dissmised!" he said and that was my que to leave,

I went back up to my room and lay on my bed looking at the book. Under the title it had a blue outline of a wolf. I undone the buckle on a red strap and opened it up. The pages were a light brown and all crinkled,

 i read it through and came across what had been hapening to me. Turns out its very rare between mates and can indicate danger and a loss. Its to be taken as a warning as something is to happen and shouldnt be taken lightly,

That was all i managed to get out of it. i closed the book and headed back to the Alpha office. I knocked on the door and he called me in "was the book helpful?" he asked as i passed it to him "very thank you!" i said and he smiled,

"so whats up wioth the visions?" he asked and i sighed "apparently she's in danger and its a warning and its very rare between mates!" i said and he nodded "well im sorry to say theres not much we can do but hope for the best, we dont know where she is and we cant tell the army it will sound crazy!" he said and there was concern in his voice,

"thank you for helping me Alpha!" i said and he nodded "no problem dissmised!" he said and i left and went straight to my room. I lay on my bed and all the worry settled in. What if she dies? Will i ever see her again?

Ugh i hate this!

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