Chapter 10

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It was late at night and Konnie didnt come to dinner and when i checked on her she was sleeping as when is hook her she woke up sleepingly, she said she wasnt hungry and fell back asleep.

I was in my room in my superman pyjamas on my laptop doing work and listening to Blood On The Dance Floor. I smelt Konnie at my door and i took my earphones out to hear her knock,

"come in!" i said and she came in and she was wearing grey joggers and a liht blue top that stuck to her. I couldnt help but check her out and im sure she noticed as she looked at me with a raised eyebrow,

"what up?" i asked and she looked at me "the sky, we have been over this!" she said and i rolled my eyes "okay why are you knocking on mjy door at... quarter to twelve at night?" i asked and she nodded "i just woke up and i was wanting to know if you helped me because you saw what happened with me in my room?" she asked and i nodded,

"i sa wit in a dream just like i saw most of what you done while you were away!" i said and she nodded "you knew where i was?" she asked and i nodded "yeah i told the army people!" i said and she smiled "thank you, they said if i lost anymore blood i wouldnt have been able to save my leg, so thank you!" she said and i smiled,

"i couldnt bare to see you hurt!" i said and she nodded. She looked ot be thinking about something pretty hard "what you thinking about so hard?" i asked and she looked at me "would you like to go for a m-meal with me tomorrow n-night?2 she stuttered and i smiled,

"as in a date?" asked and she nodded "yes a d-date?" she stuttered and i smiled more "sure!" i said and she nodded "okay well goodnight, sleep well!" she said "night!" i said and she left my room and i had a big smile on my face.

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