Chapter 8

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They were walking in the woods and konnie was in the front using another soldier as a crutch. Her leg looked really bad and it was worrying. The got to the edge of the forrest and onto a dirt path which they followed along.

They looked at the map just as it started to rain. They sheltered it as best as they could but it got all soggy and tore with the rain, they no longer knew where they were,

Thye continued down the path unitl they came to a small village that said 'Harostan' they all smiled exect Konnie who looked to be in serious pain. They went in the village and it was deserted,

They set up camp in the police station and they all settled for some sleep.

I woke up and it was the usual brathing pattern and i was all sweaty. I quickly got dressed and met Alpha and his mate outside on the steps "are they here yet?" i asked out of breath and just before they could answer two soldiers came running round the corner and iw as glad to smell that they were wolves,

They saluted and gave Alpha his mail "look i know where she is. Im having weird dreams and i dont quite know how ot explain it but there in a place  called Harostan and there in the police station, she's hurt and you have to help her!" i said desperatley,

They both nodded and ran away and i let out a breath i was holding in "thank you!" her mum said and i nodded,

All we can do now is hope they find her!

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