Chapter 5

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They were crawling on short grass over a hill and i could see a run down village. They got closer and you saw soldiers walking around with guns. Konnie gave them some hand signals and then they attacked,

They were firing guns left right and centre and you could hear children and woman screaming whiel men ordered them around. I could only see Konnie's soldiers now and they had all the villagers on there knees with there hands behind there backs,

The soldiers pointed guns at them and Konnie looked away and cringed when every shot was fired individually. I heard there loved ones screaming as there relative was shot and it was heart breaking,

Konnie saw a small child around five hiding behind a rock as they walked away. The soldiers continued on while Konnie and the child stared at each other. Konnie looked ot be having an internal battle with herself,

She looked on at her soldiers who were walking awya and then on to the little girl. She turned around and walked away from the girl and caught up with her soldiers,

I woke up again panting and all sweaty, why am i getting these dreams do they mean something? I got up and got dressed for work in a complete daze.

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