Chapter 4

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The next morning i woke up and i got a shower. i got changed into some jeans and a hoodie and went downstairs and everyone was sitting watching TV like they always are but i saw Konnie sitting at the breakfast table with paper infront of her and she was on the phone,

I sat next to Hilda and i coudl tell most people were lsitening to Konnie "she has been like that since i got up this morning and im an early bird and wa sup at around seven and all she says is 'Yes sir'!" she said and i looked over at Konnie as she quickly wrote something down,

"yes sir, thank you sir!" she said and hung up. She wrote some more before standing and tucking the chair under the table. She walked past but one of the papers fell but she didnt notice. We heard her go upstairs and her dad picked the sheet up and looked at it confused,

"who's good at codes?" he asked and everyone looked at me, okay so im good at problem solving. He passes the sheet over and there was alot of writting on it. I looked it over and quickly understood the basic code,

-Village North West of US army border

-Estimate of around 1783 people inclueding children

-All rebels and supporters of Nationalist party

-kill all!

"did you figure it out?" her voice snapped me out of my trans and i looked up at her feeling guilty "y-yes!" i said and she took the sheet "you do realise i have to kill you now for looking at US Army secret doccuments!" she said and i gulped,

"dont tell anyone what you read its a private matter!" she said and i nodded. She went upstairs and everyone was looking at me and i gulped,

She's to kill them all!

I saw her mum hitch her breath and i cursed, she can read minds! I got up and went outside to the oak tree and sat down letting the light breeze run through my hair.

How can she do something like that, of course its her job and all but its murder whether they believe in something or not. How would she feel if someone came inot her home and started killing people for there beliefs?

Three large army tucks came up the path and i just looked at them, how did they get up the path? They were filled with soldiers in guns and i was scared of what was happening. I saw Konnie step out of the house in her military uniform and a rucksack over her back,

She got in the first truck and they all drove away out of sdite, just like that she left again and again she didnt even say goodbye. I lay my head against the tree and at somepoint wehile staring at the clouds i fell asleep.


I had been moping all day but so was everyone if im honest. No one was talking they were just staying in there rooms watching TV. It was getting late and i switched my laptop off and fell asleep for the night.

It was a grassy area, it came up to mid waist. There was a grey sky looming over them and it was an eary place. You could see dark green helmets of people behind and i saw Konnie in the front.

She had her arms abouve the grass holding onto her gun tight. Her face was ocvered in camoflage paint and she had a blank expression on her face.

I suddenly woke up breathing heavily and all sweaty. i looked at my clock and it was seven in the morning. I quickly got up and showered, i got my work clothes on and made the walk to my car,

what on earth did i just dream about?

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