Chapter 3

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9 years later!

Its been almost ten years, ten years in four months actually. I know she sint dead as i dont have a new mate and that can only happen is my mate dies so every night im scared that when i wake up i'll have a new mate,

I dont think i could ever love that mate, i love Konnie and i cant think of loving anyone else, it doesnt seem right.

We havnt heard anything since she left and it worries us more day by day. No one really blamed it all on me it was a shared blame and i was sort of thankful for that i dotn knwo how i would have coped if it was all on me,

I got up a bit later than normal as it was a Saturday and the only people in the house were Alpha and his mate, we got on still as if ntohing happened and i was greatful for that. The rest of the pack were away out for three days as a break and are comming back later today, i didnt go because i had to work,

I got up and showered and changed into some jeans and a hoodie. I went downstairs and smiled at them as i made some coffee "Were heading to the steps you comming?" Alpha asked and i nodded, it was weird i guess the three of us normally sat there some mornings,

Im not sure why they sat there but iw as always hoping Konnie would walk down the drive. We lived in the middle of the wods so you had to walk about a mile before you got to your car, it was torture in heels,

I sat with my hot coffee beside her mum as they opened there mail, i didnt get much as i had no bills. Her mum picked up a thin, long brown envelope and forwned, she looked at it confused and opened it,

I looked down at the oak tree, so many memories came back of us sitting there either reading or her gossiping about friends. I could always tell her naything and i knw she would tell me anything, i knew things her mum and dad didnt know and i was greatful,

Her mums breath hitched and the letter started shaking, me and Alpha looked at her concerned "what is it sweetie?" Alpha asked her and there were tears pouring out of her eyes and onto the letter,

She quickly wipped them away and cleared her throat,

"Dear Mrs Gilern,

I regret to infrom you that your daughter, Konnie Batman Gilern has been injured in action on the day of Wednesday 4th of December. She is currently being treated at our military hospitals, you daughter is a great soldier and you should be proud of her achievments,

Yours J. Buckwurth, US army official" she choked out and i looked at her in shock,

She joined the army, but why? Oh yeah i drove out of here because i rejected her. We all just sat in shock, wait that was last month "how are we only finding out now?" i asked and she sniffed "we live in the middle of nowhere, it took a while to get here!" she said and i nodded,

A month, a whole month. Anything could have happened, she could either be dead or back out there fighting and we wont knwo until next month no doubt.

God why did i have to reject her, if i didnt we wouldnt be sitting ehre waiting on her comming home, we wouldnt have found out she was injured in action, i wouldnt be scared to go to sleep at night theres so much that didnt need to happen if i had just talked with her rather than panic,

I was wollowing in slef pitty and its then i smelt it, more like her. I cant believe it. i suddenly looked at the oak tree, the path comes right around that corner. I stood up and both parents look at me. They wouldnt smell her yet its only cos im her mate,

"whats wrong?" Alpha asked and i looked at the oak tree frozen as her and two other, clearly wolves came marching round the corner causing both parents to stand. I was fixated on Konnie or the woman who looked like Konnie,

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