Super Soldier... Steve?

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"Wait so where are we going exactly?" I puff out as Howard and I walk hastily through the streets of New Jersey.

"There's an antique store nearby. I just need to pick up some things." At an antique store? Just go with it, Danny.

We enter the antique store and I jump a bit at the bell ringing as we enter. 

"Wonderful weather this morning, isn't it?" I jump again in fright to find an old lady standing at the counter of the shop, observing us very, closely.

"Yes, but I always carry an umbrella." Howard says confidently to the lady. I look at Howard unusually. I lean over to whisper to him.

"But you don't have an umbrella." Howard puts a hand up to motion me to shut up and I do, seeing the old lady's eyes bead into mine as if she was a savage on loose. 

"Just follow my lead." He whispers back, and the old lady looks between us before smiling, as she presses a button that seemed to be placed under her desk. Suddenly, the once ordinary looking wall splits in half as it opens to reveal  a never ending hallway. 

Now this was something I could get used to.

Howard starts walking at a fast pace again and I must admit, quitting school sport was really going to be a big regret in this situation as I was extremely unfit. 

We turn to a right at the end of the hallway, into a observing room, where chairs had been formally placed in rows and guards were standing with their eyes trained on our every move. The guards tend to be leering their eyes over me, obviously as I was fresh meat. 

"It's okay, guys. She's an intern." He opens the door beside the observing glass and walks down the stairs.

"Erskine! You here?!"

"Over here, Stark." A thick German accent appears from the corner of the room and I quickly react, getting out a gun that I had bought a while a go just in case.

"Whoa! Whoa! Danny, this is Dr Erskine. Danny put the gun down." I look at the man who does even seem surprised by my actions. I start to notice that some of the guards were realizing what was going on down here and were starting to make their way down. 

I put my gun down, my eyes still trained on the scientist.

"Danny, this is Dr Abraham Erskine. He was a German scientist but he transferred here to help us in the Allied forces. Dr Erskine, this is my... intern, Dr Daniella Marks." Dr Erskine reaches out his hand to shake and I look at it cautiously before giving it a firm shake, keeping my eye contact on him.

"Let's hope it stays that way, Dr Erskine. You wouldn't like to see me angry. Though it's nice to meet you" I let go off his hand, looking at Howard.

"So what do we do now?" Howard brings me over to the middle of the room, where a big chamber lay surrounded by circuit boards and fluids and a whole lot more sciency things I couldn't think of right now.

He powers on the circuit board and a sudden whirring sound is heard as all

"It's on!" I can hear a slight sigh of relief from Howard and I stare at him, suddenly feeling something like admiration for the guy. Maybe he had changed...

"What?" I shake out of my thoughts to find Howard staring at me too, amused. 

I shake my head. "Nothing." Howard chuckles. 

"Then don't just stand there. Get to work." I salute him, putting on a sarcastic look before heading over to the power board. 

The door to the lab opens again and I look to find a very familiar face coming into sight.

My Blurry Depiction (Captain America- The First Avenger)Where stories live. Discover now