Understanding Peggy

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Memories of last night still float through my brain and I giggle a bit as I walk into work. As I pass some of the guys from last night, they wink in my direction and I furrow my eyebrows a bit to hide the euphoria crawling onto my face. As I walk around the corner, a hand grabs my wrist and pulls me into a wall.

I look up to find Bucky in front of me, cornering me to the wall. He lets off his signature goofy smile and I smirk at his action.

"Hey." My smirk widens.


With one hand pressed to the wall, he leans down to give me a peck, but I manage to grab him again, holding the kiss longer this time. He wraps an arm around me, the other on the wall to hold for support. We eventually end the kiss sadly, standing in that corner awkwardly staring at each other every now and then.

"Sooo..." I say, shifting my feet on the spot.

"I guess we're together now." I fully look up at him, those words shocking me completely. 

"You really think so? I mean, no one's ever really considered me like-" I was cut off as Bucky comes down to steal another kiss, in which I makes me smile, causing him to stop kissing me, his hands holding my hips.

"Miss Marks!" Bucky and I quickly break apart to find Peggy staring at us awkwardly.

"Peggy! Hey, sorry. How can I help?" She looks between Bucky and I, obviously noting that she was disturbing something but continues either way. 

"Have you seen Steve? He's supposed to be with Stark soon." I shake my head. 

"No. No, I haven't. I'm actually headed that way though so if I see him, I'll give him a heads up." I briefly smile in Peggy's direction, embarrassed at what she had just witnessed. I turn around and kiss Bucky on the cheek before leaving the cloudy vexatious air.


I quickly enter the lab, put on my equipment as I sneak in to watch Howard observing a piece of the energy source from the Tesseract.  

"Emission signature is unusual. Alpha and beta ray neutral. Though I doubt Rogers picked up on that. Seems harmless enough. Hard to see what all the fuss is about." 

As Howard's technology tries to grab the glowing pellet from the source, the observing glass breaks and Howard flies through the air. I get pushed back slightly but I manage to skid still standing while catching Howard.  

The other scientists, obviously shocked as Howard was on this discovery, look at Howard to see if he's alright. Expected, Howard gives off a hearty laugh as if nothing had happened, muttering a thanks as he gets off my grasp. 

"Write that down." The engineer quickly nods, though still caught in the debris of glass.


I continue not to say anything about the glowing enamel as Howard and his engineer continue to observe it, despite the mess of glass and splayed equipment that we would pick up only if needed.

I could hear some bickering outside the testing zone and I could not help to listen to what all the fuss was about.

"Well, what about you and Stark? How do I know you two haven't been...fonduing?" Jesus, Steven! 

"You still don't know a bloody thing about women!" I giggle as I hear Peggy lightly storm off.

Looks like someone had a big crush.

Steve opens the door to the lab and I quickly avert my attention to Howard's observation, to find that he also had been listening in.

Steve walks in with a hidden look of disappointment on his face though covers it quickly once he sees us staring at him.

"You were listening, weren't you?" Howard and I shrug in unison, both not really wanting to have to explain the whole situation. 

Howard motions for me to help the engineer clean up the mess while he goes out to show Steve some of the new equipment that he had set up for Steve in his journey's of being Captain America. 

As I grab dustpan and sweep up all of the glass, I look impressed at how clean the place had gotten. I bend down to pick up some of the small pieces of glass, though accidentally prick myself with one of them, hissing in pain.

"Are you alright, ma'am..." The engineer looks up from the trolley of equipment he was cleaning. 

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine." I brush him off. "You just continue with what you're doing. I'm good." I go to look down at my finger to find the cut was gone, speckles of blood still left there.

I subtly freak out, using my saliva to wipe off the blood to try and find the cut but the cut wasn't there. 

Oh my gosh, what was happening to me? Was the serum that they had injected to me starting to work now. I look around, the engineer engrossed in his cleaning up. What if Schmidt was right? What if I was something more than I thought I was? I mean, I would have to ask Howard to retest me again for any abnormal conformity in my DNA but then what would happen? 

Walking out off the lab, I ensure that the engineer can continue to observe the energy source without me as I go out to check up on Steve.

"No! No! That's just a prototype." I walk out to find Howard slowly walking up to a fascinated Steve holding what could only be the most rare metal in the world. I walk over curiously to the lovely piece of circular metal, observing in awe from afar.

"What's it made of?"

"Vibranium." I answer out of the blue. " It is one of the most strongest metals you can find in the world, being a third of steel's weight. It can absorb any sort of vibration in it's path." Steve looks up to find me standing there ogling at the shield which had seemed so ordinary to him.

"How come it's not a standard issue?"

"It is one of the rarest metals on Earth. The one you are holding there? That's all we've got." Down the hallway, I hear some shoes clicking towards our direction and I turn to find Peggy, with a quite stern expression, marching towards us.

"Mr. Stark, are you quite finished? I'm sure the Captain has some... Unfinished business." Steve looks up at Peggy with what I must admit was the most happiest face I had ever seen in a millennium, holding the vibranium piece with pride.

"What do you think?" He had obviously not heard the irritation in her voice as she was speaking to Howard, as she picked up the gun from the table and started to shoot repeatedly in Steve's direction. 

Steve, being quick enough, puts the shield in front of him, blocking him from the bullets. I had thought to try and stop Peggy from doing what she was doing, but then again, Steve did try to underestimate her emotions.

"Yes. I think it works." She smiles happily and on the inside, I do admit I went a bit insane at the fact that Peggy so savagely, almost killed Steve with a gun. Walking of, we all watch her in some sort of emotion. Whether in awe, shock, astonishment.

I snap out of it, looking at the guys,

"And that, is why you don't mess with a woman." I take my queue to walk away from the lab, to go after Peggy and maybe talk her into not being mad at Steve.

See there was one thing they had learnt today, and that was to NEVER try to guess what a girl is feeling, especially Peggy.

(A.N. Is it just me or can you not get enough of that photo. I mean, Steve's face is just so cute. He looks so lost like a little kid. Hilarious *laughing emoji)

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