The Interrogation

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*~time skip - the next day~*

For me, the beginning of my journey in London was not so... welcoming. Colonel Phillips had his men shove me, well, escort me, if I was to euphemise the situation, into one of the cells of the new base that the soldiers would be escorted to. 

Shoved in a cell for around 6 hours, I felt hungry and on the occasion a bit dehydrated. Finally, though, someone had come into the cell, that someone being Colonel Philips, with s big tray of food, more or less starchy food.

He chucks the plate at me, a bit of food flying from the plate and it skids towards my direction. 

"Here, thought you might be hungry." I take a boiled potato and chew it.

"Sir, you have to trust me. I am not-"

"Then how the bloody hell did you know about the HYDRA base? And how did you know about the 107th being captured there? You can't have sneaked into that base, they had guards everywhere according to the Captain." He bangs on the table obviously infuriated and I jolt slightly at the BANG! sound that came.

"I will tell you everything I promise-"

"Well, you better start now, young lady. I had big plans for you." I raise my eyebrows. Had plans?

I start to explain everything. The letter, how the HYDRA agent had told me it was best to go see Schmidt. How Schmidt himself came to pick me up from the airport and drove me off to one of the facilities in Austria. How he threatened that she joined HYDRA otherwise he would kill Bucky, who they seemed to have been on a chair, unconscious. 

She even told him how he threatened to bomb Camp Lehigh and how he knew nearly everything about the Allies, as if he was one step in front of us. 

"And what about the weapons?" He adds. "Did you know about them? Stark can't tend to figure out what the ruddy hell is powering those weapons."

I move forward in my seat now taking a carrot stick from the tray.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you." Colonel scoffs.

"You know, you are giving me all the more reason to just shoot you in the face right now." I didn't care if he did. He would probably do it anyways if I had told what I was about to tell him.

"If you think about it, Schmidt's motive, like the Nazis, is to rule the world, obviously." The Colonel frowns motioning me to get to the point. 

"Though compared to Hitler, he uses more of what we would call maniacal methods. He believes in the Gods." The Colonel looks at me, frustrated.

"Of course we all believe in one God, Marks." He gets up and takes the gun out of his pocket, pointing it directly in my face.

"Get to the point." 

I sigh, trying to hide the fear of the fact that the Colonel had a gun to head. 

"I'm saying Gods, Sir. Not God. He believes in the mythological ways of the world. The energy power source that he used to power his weapons was an energy source based of a Norse mythology." I inhale deeply as I start to see the Colonel lower his gun down a bit.

"The energy source is a blue cube that is known by the name of the Tesseract. It is known to have exist even before the cavemen. The blue orb is basically a key for unlimited energy and can destroy this whole planet if not used properly."  I look at the Colonel in the eyes.

"I haven't seen the cube with him myself, but I know that is the main source. HYDRA's technology... they make Stark look like a dumbass."

"Did he really tell you all this?"I shake my head. 

"I read a lot of cultural books. Helps me to adapt to different environments." 

"So then how do we get rid of it?" I get up from the chair, walking to the wall with a few lettuce leaves.

"You can't destroy it. It's unlimited energy. You can destroy or produce energy. It can only be converted. But so much energy... you can't convert that much energy." Colonel grumbles looking the other way annoyed with this fact. 

"Is there anyway to contain it then?" I look at him.

"Do actually want to contain it?" I walk closer to him. "Or do you want to use it for yourself in order to win the war?" I stand in front of him as he looks the other way obviously guilty.

"I just want to get that damned thing of their hands so that the playing field is fair." I grab the keys that had left on the table and unlock the cell.

"Well you can't steal other people's toys and play around with them. You'll either break or do something much worse." Before I can walk out the cell the Colonel stops me.

"That still doesn't give me reason as to why I can trust you again." I ruffle through my pocket and take out the letter that Schmidt had sent me as well as a little paper that I had managed to pocket while in the building.

"This is all the proof you should need. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go and find a bar and drink some brandy. or something stronger."

I walk out of the cell, remembering which way the Colonel had brought me and exited into the streets of London.

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