The Old Newcomer

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I quickly grab Steve's inhaler from the lounge and give it to him as he pumps it in, inhales then thankfully exhales slowly.

"Jeepers, Danny. I thought there was a burglar in the house." I scratch the back of my head, embarrassingly.

"Sorry I just wanted to surprise you." He chuckles.

"Well we both had the same plan." I help him up with a confused expression on my face. As I pull Steve up, I can feel something bump into me from behind. I squeal as I jump back in fright. Right behind me, was a tall - and what I would call - hunky specimen. I made a goal for myself that I would never have any affairs with a guy until I had finished studying, that is until now.

This guy was just so... hot. His eyes blue like Steve's but this guy, it was like I was looking out at the ocean right now. His black hair was combed to the side so nicely and I had to say his uniform made him look even more hotter than he already was.

"I see you've met Bucky over here." I shift out of my faze to pay attention to Steve, trying avoid looking at the irresistible, god-like figure in front of me. I hold out my hand to shake.

"Right. You must be James Buchanan Barnes. Or Bucky which is what you prefer." I ramble on.

"Yeah. Steve talks an awful lot about you and how you've been friends since like... FOREVER and..." I take a deep breath as I look into Bucky's blue orbs. FORGET HIM!

"I don't think you've heard of me but my name is Danny Marks." I take his hand and force it into mine shaking it in greeting.

"Oh I've heard of you, alright. Steve tells me how you're wanting to be one of the top scientists in the world." I brush my hand out in modesty.

"Oh it's nothing really." He laughs. His laugh was so... perfect. WHY?!

" You coming to the carnival tonight?" He asks me amused.

"Um no sorry I got, things, I need to do." I say awkwardly. OF course that is a lie. I just don't my chances of seeing Stark to reach a higher level.

"Oh come on, if you want to be one of the biggest scientists in the world these, things should fascinate you." Bucky says.

"Trust me Buck. I've tried to convince her for 7 years and it hasn't worked." Steve grumbles from behind me and I playfully push him on the shoulder.

"Well okay then." Bucky walks up to Steve and pats him on his back.

"I'll ya later, Steve." As he walks off, for some reason I feel guilty for rejecting the idea of not going to the carnival. "Oh and Danniella, isn't it?" I lift my head up in annoyance.

"Yes, James." I snap back. He laughs at my reaction but I can see a slight annoyance on his face as well.

"It was nice meeting you." With that he leaves before I could even say a 'Same to you.' or something like that. I turn to Steve to find him staring at me me, amused.

"What's with the smirk, Rogers?"

"You like him don't you?" I roll my eyes as I engulf him in a big hug.

"Not in a million years." We stay like that for a while and I had to say it was hurting my back, having to bend down to tackle Steve in a hug but it was nice. "Well I might as well go lock myself in my room now." I let go off him and walk to my room.

"Don't have too much fun without me!!" I yell before shutting my door.

I had never let out so many emotions like this at once since I was 15. I'm not even gonna mention what happened on that day.

I lean my head against the door and slowly slide down to sit on the cold wooden floor, reflecting on what had just happened.  

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