A winters ball

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Your pov
I rode with Mulligan in a carriage. I was nervous and constantly adjusting my dress. Herc chuckled. "You worry any more and you'll wear yourself out before you even get to dance." I giggle. "Sorry I'm just nervous." I say. He shakes his head. "What are you nervous about? You look beautiful and Lafayette talks about you non stop. You have nothing to worry about." He said smiling. "Thank you Herc." I replied with a smile. The carriage stopped, I followed him until he found Laf. "He's all yours Miss L/N's." He smirked walking away. Laf stepped towards me. "Mon amour, you look absolutely Astonishing." He said. "I must say that dress suits you." I giggled. "You look incredible yourself ma Cheri." I said. He held out his hand. "May I have this dance?" He asked politely. "O-oh, I'm n-not very good."  I say. "Maybe I can help you practice." He replied. I smiled and took his hand. As we danced I got lost in his eyes, I'm guessing he got lost in mine as well. I stepped on his toes a lot but he didn't mind. After awhile he spoke. "Come Y/N, let us take a break." He said letting go of my waist and holding my hand instead. I followed him outside where we sat on a bench and looked at the stars. "It's such a beautiful night." I say looking up. "Oui mon amour, but not as beautiful as yourself." I smiled. He put a hand on my cheek and leaned in. I did the same. We sat there for what seemed like hours. Finally he pulled away. "I'm probably the luckiest woman alive to be courting with you." I said, he laughed. "Actually I think I'm the lucky one ma Cherie." We smiled and laughed before seeing Alex walk out with a beautiful girl. "Ahh, Y/N I thought I might find you too here." He said smiling. I stood up and held Lafs hand as we walked over to him. "Eliza these are my close friends Y/N L/N, and Marquis de Lafayette." She held out her hand. "Elizabeth Schuyler, a pleasure to meet you." She said. I smiled. "It's a pleasure to meet you too. Hey Alex, treat her right this ones a keeper." She blushed and Alex nodded his head. After awhile the ball came to a close and we rode back to the camp.

Lafayette The Lancelot. (Lafayette X reader)Where stories live. Discover now