The Wedding

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Hercules insited on making the dress, I had to let him since he would not stop until I did. Eliza would be my maid of honor and Angilica and Peggy would be my brides maids. John would be the best man, Hercules and Alex would be the grooms men. Even Washington wrote to us saying he would come.


Angelica was busy fixing my dress while Peggy was doing my hair. Eliza made the bouquet. "You look absolutely perfect!" Said Peggy excitedly. I giggled at how giddy she was. "I'm so happy for you Y/N, promise you will visit?" Asked Eliza. "Well it will be hard not since Laf and Alex are so close." I replied. We heard a knock on the door. Eliza opened the door to find Wasington at the door. "Good afternoon Eliza, Peggy, Angelica. May I come in?" I was shocked. "Oh of course sir." Said Angelica quickly. "Good afternoon, what can I do for you?" I asked. "Well, a little while earlier I remebered that you were an orphan and had no father to walk you down the aisle." I gasped and so did the girls. "S-sir, are you saying?" He nodded. I stood up and hugged him. "T-thank you sir, you have no idea how much this means to me!" I said. He smiled. "Of course Y/N, I'll be waiting." He walked out and a few minutes later I linked arms with him and he walked me down the aisle. "Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette, you may say your vows." " I promise to be your lover, companion and friend, Your partner in parenthood, Your ally in conflict, Your comrade in adventure, Your accomplice in mischief. This is my sacred vow to you, my equal in all things. All things." He said trying not to cry. " Y/N M/N L/N, you may say your vows." "I promise to be your lover, companion and friend, Your partner in parenthood, Your ally in conflict, Your comrade in adventure, your accomplice in mischief. This is my sacred vow to you, my equal in all these things. All things." "I now prenouce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride." Gracefully Laf dipped me and kissed me briefly.

Lafayette pov

At the reception, the guys had a little to much too drink but I made sure not too. "So Laf *hic* what are your plans for the future?" Asked Herc raising his eyebrows. "What are you talking about?" I asked confused.  "Oh I think you do know, having a family and *hic* such." Said Alex smiling like an idiot. I rolled my eyes, then Washington walked over to me. "Lafayette could I speak to you for a moment?" I smiled. "Of course sir." He walked me away form the crowd. "Listen, Y/N may not be my daughter but I certanly see her and treat her like one. Be true son, I don't want tohave to do something I'll regret later...much later." I felt a drop of sweat run down my forehead. I solutied him. "I won't let you down sir." I said. The mood lightened and he patted me on the back. After it was all over I picked Y/N up bridal style and carried her home. I spun her around as soon as we got inside. She giggled. From there on out we settled down pretty quick, life was looking up for us.

Lafayette The Lancelot. (Lafayette X reader)Where stories live. Discover now