Honest Opinion

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"Please?" Raya begs for the third time in the last ten minutes.
"I really need to finish my homework," I tell her. "Besides, it's not like we'll conveniently be at Adrien's window when him and Plagg are talking about us."
"We were for Marinette and Tikki," Raya points out.
"Exactly, we already used all our luck," I tell her, using my pen to point at her for emphasis.
"Then why were we in the right place at the right time today?" Raya counters. "Because we're lucky right now! We can't waste it!" She springs around in front of my face and I put my pen down to focus on her big pleading eyes. "When are we going to get a chance to fight an akuma again?"
"Probably two days from now?" I ask.
"Not the same as today! We were right there! We helped save the day! Please can we just go look?" Raya begs. I sigh, giving in.
"Just for five minutes," I tell her. "I need to do my homework and I'm not going to wait around until they mention us." Raya squeals and spins around in triumph. I'm pretty sure I'm too easy going sometimes. Or all the time. I stand up and hold my wrist out. "Stripe up, Raya," I say. Within a couple minutes I'm bounding along the rooftops to Adrien's house. A quick hop over the wall and scale of the building to right outside Adrien's room, finding a secure place to sit before I stripe down.
"Five minutes," I hiss at Raya to remind her as she finds a corner of the window to stare in at theo. Wow, I'm such a creep. So is my kwami. We would be arrested so quickly if we were found out. No, scratch that. I would be arrested so quickly. Agrested? Would Chat Noir like that pun? If he sees me out here and calls the police, I'll ask him.
"Why don't you have any more cheese?" We can hear Plagg complaining.
"Because you ate it all?" Adrien responds, "What was that cheese the racoon girl got for you? You actually liked that. And it doesn't smell as much."
"See? They mentioned Mystique!" Raya whispers to me. I just shake my head. They're encouraging bad behavior and they don't even know it.
"Mozzarella," Plagg answers, I can see him flying lazily around the room, biting things at random. "It works in a pinch."
"Any food should work in a pinch," Adrien says, clicking around on his computer. He's probably doing homework. Like I should be doing. I check my watch. Two minutes. "Hey, the raccoon girl, she knew to give you cheese. Does that mean she knew you?"
"I know the kwami for Mystique," Plagg says, finally landing on a pillow on the couch. "Raya. She chats a lot, so Mystique probably knows a lot about us."
"Do you think she knows our identities?" Adrien asks. Plagg yawns loudly.
"Probably," he answers.
"What?" Adrien asks sharply, spinning in his chair to look at Plagg.
"What? She hoards information. She's not going to do anything about it," Plagg says, rolling over on the pillow uncaringly.
"If you're sure," Adrien says, slowly turning back to his computer. He pulls up the Ladyblog and plays a video. I duck my head, trying to see better. The quality and angle looks like a security tape from the subway. Probably the one of me saving the guy from the tracks. I still need to watch that one. "She seems to be a good guy."
"Raya partners up with easygoing people the best. She's a bit high-strung," Plagg comments.
"What?" Raya snaps quietly outside the window. "He's just saying that because he's so lazy!" By Adrien's unamused look to Plagg, he's probably thinking the same thing.
"Well, she's helped us out twice now, you could say something nice about her," Adrien prompts.
"Nah, she'll mess things up sooner or later," Plagg says. "It's best not to expect too much from her."
"Why would you say that?" Adrien asks. I want to say the same thing. Raya is visibly shaking.
"It's just how those kwami work," Plagg replies offhandedly.
"'Those kwami'?" Raya repeats, voice tight. I knew this had been a bad idea. Adrien sighs and starts a conversation about cookies. Not helping in any way to calm Raya down.
"Okay, maybe we should get going," I say. Raya turns her face to me and I shake my head, holding my bracelet up. "Stripe up."
"No, I d-" Raya's interrupted by being swirled into the bracelet and I take off back home. We can talk more when we get there.

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