A Fight With ...

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By: Vulpix_fire_paw

>>>Your POV<<<

I blushed as I walked back into Winter Meadows, my fur turning a pink colour 'what was I thinking' 'why did I do that' 'why did I say his name in such a flirtations way!'  "{Y\N}!" I looked up and snapped out of my thoughts "yes?" I answered as I dropped the fruit "where were you!" Tala shouted "mother was worried sick!" she continued "sorry, the fruit rolled into the PrideLands" Tala rolled her eyes "it's okay, whatever" I smiled at her and sighed "so what did you need me for" I asked,

Tala stopped dead in her tracks causing me to almost trip over my tail "whoa, watch were your going Tala" I said softly giggling "um, father was calling you" she said with a tint of worry in her eyes "dad was calling m-me?" "yep, come on let's go before dad gets mad"

.   .   .   .      

I shivered as I slowly stepped into the cave, I jumped as I stepped on a dry bone causing me to hiss "d-daddy" I softly whimper. I slowly walk forward and bump into my father "{Y\N}" my father says in his deep voice, I look my father in the eyes and I notice something his eye colour has changed from a soft baby blue to a venoms dark green  "Answer Me!" my father yelled snapping me out of my daydream

"y-yes fa-father" I stutter. he looks at me with pure rage in his eyes "You Foul!" he shouted as he raised his paw swiped at me, I jumped out of the way just in time and looked at him in shear terror."what were you doing with that cub!" my father said as he grained his teeth slowly walking towards me, I whimper as he walks closer 'cub? what cub... wait a minute, Kion!'  

"um d-dad I can exs--" my father cuts me off "THEIR NOT OUR KIND {Y\N}, THEIR NOT OUR SPECIES!" he shouted his voice echoing arcos the cave walls "that's not true! we are the same species no matter the colour" I shout back making my father speechless,  a few minutes pass by and my father hasn't said a word " d-daddy" I softy ask with worry in my voice "go" my father says with rage in his eyes "but--"my father cut me off 

"golden furred lions are useless" "but d-dad--" I try to continue, but he cuts me off again "just like you, I'm ashamed to have you as a daughter" he said as he walked past me and left the cave. I cried as my father left the cave my tears falling like a waterfall.

~'Why Me'       

{446 Words}

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