Rule #20 Lying.

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Rule #20


Unless you never wanted to be trusted again.

Never lie.

Lying is never the answer.

Although a small white lie once in a while is shame less.

But white lies can turn into big lies, so be careful.

If you feel like you have to lie, if you are ether ashamed of something or you know you did something wrong and you just want it to go away.

But I'm here to give you a news flash, it isn't going to go away.

Trust me when I say telling the truth is much more rewarding then lying!

I have a weird sense and I can tell when people lie. I hate it. and I always find out. Everyone lies to me. I have not yet found a person in my life who hasn't.

So rule #20 Lying gets you no where in life, tell the truth and get over with it.

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