Rule #9
Surround yourself with people that make you happy!!
If people change your life for the worst, they are not worth it.
If they change your life for the better, keep them in your life.
If you feel stuck like your life is at a sit still, then change that.
And that may mean eliminating some people from your life.
If your unsure, then think what have they done to make you happy or even mad.
If the happy over does the mad then, it may be worth it. But it also may not be.
And the same with mad.
If the mad over does the happy then, it may not be worth it. But it also may be.
I'm probably confusing you more rather then helping you.
So Rule #9 If a person makes you mad more then happy, they probably aren't worth it.
The Rules.
Short StoryLife doesn't have a rule book. But it has unsaid rules, some even tips. In no particular order, here are the rules that I feel have deep meanings (sometimes...) behind them. Especially for me. FULL DISCLOSURE: It is now 2021 and I'm 21 years old. I...