Chapter VIII

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"Let's go" Nate said, pulling away from my lips, his hand grabbing mine, and pulling me down the beach.

"Where are we going?" I asked breathless as I let him drag me towards the unknown.

"Out of here. Let's go back to the city, we'll figure something out there. We can find you the best divorce lawyer-"

"Wait, what?" I said, and pulled my hand from his, making him frown

"But Scarlett, you just-"

"I know what I said...but I can't do...that. I can't divorce him" I said, a small lump in my throat. Nate froze for a second but seemed to shake himself slightly before stepping in my direction.

"I don't understand" he said in a murmur. I looked down as I felt his arms go around me one more time, covering my body from the chilly breeze of the night at the beach.

"He's going to destroy us. My family and I" I said shivering and Nate's frown deepened. He opened his mouth but closed it as fast.

"You're freezing. Go get dressed, let's go somewhere and talk" he said, pushing me towards the stairs.

"But Andrew-"

""Left. I saw him getting in the car" Nate said, tilting his head a bit, and the need to kiss him again took over my body. I jumped on him, my arms around his neck, and my lips crushing his. His arms once again wrapped around me and he squeezed me against him in affection.

"You have no idea how long I've waited for this" he said against my lips. I chuckled and pecked his lips before running up the stairs.

"Meet me at the front" he called quietly, and I grinned at him, and ran inside the house. Once I was inside, I rushed to my room and got dressed in jeans and a tank top with a fluffy cardigan and flats. Snatching my small purse, I tiptoed to the other side of the hallway, nobody would hear me passing again. Reaching a small foyer, I stopped dead in my tracks when eyes met mine and I froze.

Alex had wide eyes.

And so did Oliver.

They were sitting next to each other on the couch, wine glasses in hand. But thank goodness, I didn't find them in a compromising position. But she seemed nervous they had been caught socializing at such hours of the morning.

"What are you doing?" she asked me, putting her red wine on the small coffee table. Oliver was as quiet as a mouse, looking between her and I.

"No, what are you doing?" I asked her with a raised eyebrow.

"Where are you going at one in the morning?" she asked, and I sighed.

"I'm going on a...walk" I finished lamely. She raised a perfect eyebrow.

"Yeah right. I saw my brother's car outside" she said and I cleared my throat, but she interrupted me when i opened my mouth to plead my case.

"Uh huh. Well...if you don't say anything, I won't say anything" she said. I grinned and nodded before walking away and locking the door behind me before I changed my mind. The entrance was as dark as the entrance of hell, but I saw a black car at the distance with the headlights on.

I rushed towards it and realized it was Nate inside the black Ferrari. Well hello there.

"Nice car" I said when I hopped inside the beautiful vehicle. Nate smiled and cracked the heater on.

"This is my baby" he said, tapping the red steering wheel with affection and I rolled my eyes.

"So cliché" I murmured and Nate laughed before stepping on the gas.

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