Chapter XIV

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It took Nate exactly ten seconds to push me against the wall and start kissing me deeper. There was a fire within me that would not calm down and I found myself tearing his clothes off faster than he pushed me on the wall. I found myself curling my leg around his naked waist as he pressed his warm body against me. I bit my lip when Nate used his hand to skim down my belly, teasing my navel so lightly it gave me goosebumps.

"You just love teasing a man, don't you?" he groaned so animalistic, and that alone drove me insane. I smirked a bit and arched my back a bit and Nate nibbled on my neck, making me moan. His hand kept going south until his fingertips reached the sweet spot I yearned to be touched at. One thing led to another and soon I found myself in the shower with Nate. Comparing the first time I had sex with him with the way we had sex now, he had been rougher, more animalistic and I would be lying if I said I didn't like it.

When we had both climaxed, his hands had dug into my skin, and I felt my legs tremble. Nate had turned me around and caught me just in time before my knees buckled.

"Did I hurt you?" he asked suddenly and I chuckled and kissed his neck.

"Hell no" I whispered and I heard the rumble of his deep chuckle.

"Okay, feed me now" I said then.


After finishing our shower, and getting dressed, we left the house to go to the city. Nate had me plastered against his side the whole ride, his warm arms around my body, my chest against his side, as I caressed the sensitive skin of his neck with my free hand.

"I have some news" Nate said suddenly.

"I hope good ones" I murmured and a small smile pulled at his lips.

"Good news for you and I" he said and I pulled away to look at him in the eye.

"Well, go on. The suspense is killing me" I said with raised eyebrows.

"I found you a divorce lawyer that is willing to investigate your case" he said and I froze.


Nate frowned at my tone

"Isn't that what you wanted?" he asked. I swallowed slightly.

"Well, I do. I dream about that" I said breathlessly.

"Then why do you say it like it's a tragedy?" he asked quietly, his lips close to my cheek.

"Because a divorce will mean my family will lose everything" I said and Nate shook his head.

"You're not going to lose anything. Over my dead body, Scarlett" he said in a low tone. I loved the way he said my name...with that sexy British accent...

Slowly I came back from cloud nine and nodded to what he was saying.

"We're going to investigate this. But we have to watch our backs. The more the lawyer digs, the more flags are going to be waved in Andrew's direction" he said in a murmur, and I looked down.

"I will be as normal as I can with Andrew. But you know he's not the easiest person to handle" I mumbled and Nate growled quietly, looking away.

"I want you to stay with me, Scar. The thought of you sleeping in the same house as that imbecile boils my blood" he mumbled, his eyes out the window.

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