Chapter XXI

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Nate's clothes were discarded with my assistance quickly. This time sex wasn't slow and too careful. This time, when Nate took the lead, he went all in. From the holding of hands over my head to taking charge in the positions. I discovered another side of this whole ordeal, and to be honest I was starting to like it a lot.

It was pretty late by the time we stopped, and my body was exhausted. Nate was sleepy, but he kept his arms around me, not wanting me to go anywhere as we laid in bed, blankets tangled up around our bodies.

"Why didn't you call me a year ago, Scar..." Nate said randomly, and I frowned and looked up at him. His green eyes were so bright, and he seemed to be in a daze.

"What do you mean?" I asked quietly, and he looked down.

"Nothing. I'm just thinking" he said, and I pressed my lips into a thin line. I knew what he meant. He was asking why didn't I call him when my parents decided to marry me off to save the company that had kept us afloat for many years. But I didn't want to talk about this anymore. I had my mistakes, but so had he and it had started the day he kept his huge secret from me. I could cope with it, but there was so much remorse I had within me, and so much anger towards the stupid forces of destiny that I could choke if I spoke about it. So, I decided to switch the topic

"So, it's Monday, according to my phone. We have a whole week here to ourselves. What do you wanna do later?" I asked him quietly, kissing his chest. He smiled down at me.

"I figured we could go for brunch first, to kill that hunger of yours" he said, and I grinned.

"And then?" I asked. Nate stared at me with a small smile on his lips.

"I was thinking we could go down to the beach" he said, and I bit my lip.

"Oh Nate that would be wonderful" I said and he nodded.

"It's a date then" he said and kissed my cheek.

"But I'm tired now" I couldn't help the big yawn I let out and I almost felt embarrassed.

"Sleep. I'll wake you up later" he said and pulled me in closer. So with that said I closed my eyes and fell asleep instantly.


When I woke up I was alone in bed. I frowned instantly when I realized Nate was nowhere to be found. What the heck happened with him waking me up?

I looked at my phone and saw a missed call from Andrew, but I just deleted the notification. There were also three missed calls from a random number but no voicemail. I frowned but this wouldn't b e the first time I get random numbers, so I decided to ignore it and unlock my phone. It was barely seven in the morning, but the sun was out and there it was, the beautiful blue ocean smiling at me. I got out of bed and I was glad we were in a villa rather than a hotel cause walking around in the room naked with multiple windows around me would not work in this situation. I was brave, but not that brave. I walked towards the balcony and looked towards the village.

It was the most beautiful view, so many houses and villas close to each other, most of them white and blue and I could see the people down at the beach already setting their spot. I couldn't help but smile to myself. I was in a paradise, and I realize how silly I'd been in staying in New York, when there was a whole world to discover. Nobody could see me up here, so as nerve wracking as this was, I just stood in front of the double doors naked, feeling the cool hair hit my body and a small sense of thrill engulfed me.

Nate was most likely around somewhere, I knew he wouldn't leave me. So in the meantime, I'd do whatever I pleased.

I looked towards my right and stared at the deep white pool. It looked like an oversized jacuzzi and with the cool weather that's all I wanted. I've never gone skinny dipping, but I was feeling brave today. Plus I was on vacation, why not?

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