Chapter XV

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"Where's your vodka" were the ridiculous words that came out of my mouth after my brain processing what he just said. I saw Nate frown and sigh as I stumbled to the kitchen and went through his cabinets until I found something that resembled an alcohol bottle.

"That's moonshine, Scarlett" he murmured, and I opened the bottle nervously

"Works just as good" I said before taking a huge gulp of it. The burning of the liquid reached my belly and I got sick instantly. I put the bottle down and dragged my eyes over to Nate, who was still sitting on the couch, worried eyes on me.

"Start talking" I whispered, a thick lump in my throat.

"I'm sorry, I should've told you long time ago" he murmured. I shook my head

"Please, just tell me..." I walked towards him and sat crossed legs in front of him. He smiled at my actions and cupped my cheek in his warm hand, his thumb caressing my cheek for a moment before he dropped his hand back on his thigh.

"My parents had been doing lots of testing here in the states, some things that pointed at that diagnosis, but they didn't want to believe the doctors. So they planned a trip to London and hoped to be seen by one of the best pediatric oncologists. I don't remember ever knowing that I had cancer until I had needles being probed into my back" he said and swallowed hard.

"What?" I barely got the word out, and he opened his mouth to respond but I beat him to it

"Is that what those red marks are?" I asked breathlessly. Nate looked down, and after thinking about it for a moment he nodded.

"Bone marrow biopsies. Got a whole lot of those" he said with the ghost of a smile on his face. I have always heard bone marrow biopsies or donations were extremely painful, and to think he went through this with only fifteen years of age made me shiver.

"What happened after?" I asked quietly. He seemed very interested in his hands

"My parents turned this small trip into a full-on vacation, getting me everything I wanted, taking me to places I've never dreamed of going as a kid. Being as oblivious as always, I begged my parents to talk to yours because I wanted you to come and have as much fun as I was having. So I'm guessing my parents must've told your folks of what was happening because they shipped you off within days, and you remember that trip I'm sure" he said, smiling at me, and I smiled back, my hands grasping his.

"That was seriously the best trip ever" I murmured, and he chuckled, remembering the past. Then his smile turned sour and so did mine.

"Then one day I was told we were going to take a trip somewhere and next thing I know I'm brought to a hospital. My mother said they were just doing regular testing, but the testing kept getting worse and worse each time. Started with blood tests, then scans, then bone marrow biopsy. My parents were a wreck. I would have pains for days and I don't remember a day being normal after that first day at the hospital, the same day you were shipped back to the United States" he sais, giving me a sad smile.

"That must've been terrible" I whispered. Nate chuckled humorelessly

"Well, why would I say no if you're right" he said, his hands squeezing mine.

"Continue" I murmured, and he nodded. As much as I hated hearing Nate's story because of how awful and terrible it was, I couldn't help myself but wanting to know about him. All of him

"Well, after they finally diagnosed me with Leukemia Stage two, then treatment started. That was worse than the testing. I don't think you want me to get into details about that, so lets just leave it as there was a lot of pain, restlessness, not a normal childhood. I couldn't go to school, play outside. Nothing" he said, recalling the events.

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