Chapter XXIV

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Hey! Long chapter ahead! enjoy and try not to kill meeeee!

I found myself going to Alex's apartment. Half way there, reality had hit me, and I remembered she and I weren't talking. Well, she wasn't talking to me because she discovered I've been sleeping with her brother. All I ever wanted was for this situation to be over, and now when I finally had hope, this happens. What am I supposed to do now?

I looked down at the papers Kate had given me for the hundredth time. It was all there, it was a legit statement with signatures and all. I looked at the date it was written up, two day before my wedding. His signature was there, and there were multiple empty spaces for the other party to sign. Meaning Andrew, meaning the investors.

Nate was trying to buy the company right under my noses and I had given him free pass to it.

I clenched my fist and kept walking.

When I finally found the building, I debated if I should just go. I didn't even know if she was here. Actually, I didn't even know why I bothered coming here. But with all the bravery I had, I walked in and passed the security desk and inside the elevator. Alex had become a sister to me and all of this was hurting me too much. I needed her support.

When I reached her floor, I hesitated. What if this was a bad idea?

Pushing the idea out of my head I knocked, loudly and shamelessly. I didn't do three knocks, no, I did the continuous obnoxious knock everybody hates at 8 o'clock at night.

The door was almost ripped from its hinges and Alex's exasperated face welcomed me. I saw how her face changed when she realized it was me. Still exasperated but softer, like she couldn't believe I was here. Then she stepped to the side and opened the door wider, motioning for me to go in. Taking a deep breath I walked in, pushing the file inside my purse.

"Would you like something to drink?" she asked quietly, walking to the kitchen.

I've always loved Alex's apartment. It was so stylish, white and red accents. What was up with everybody wanting to be all white décor and all?

"If you have vodka, I'll take the bottle..." I mumbled and saw her raised her eyebrows quietly before going on her tippy toes to grab the bottle off the top shelf and grab two small cups. We both sat in silence awkwardly, I guess waiting for the other to speak up first. I was trying to come up with something, but I seemed to have explosive word vomit because what came out of my mouth was-

"Are you and Oliver dating or something?"

Alex raised an eyebrow and started pouring the vodka. Thank the lord.

"Um, yes" she answered quietly and I sighed

"I'm sorry, I wanted to apologize about what happened, I just didn't know how to begin" I started, and her eyes met mine before taking her shot of vodka. I was so going to regret this.

"I love your brother. I always have, even when we were kids, he was never just a friend to me. I was angry at him for years, for leaving-"

"I should've said something-" she tried to say

"But it was my fault. You shouldn't blame yourself for not telling me his business. He didn't want me to know, it's okay. Him and I already straightened that out, but I owe you an apology. We were sneaking around, and I put you in a tough position, specially because you know Andrew. I should've said something" I said and Alex nodded and she offered a small smile I returned.

"I was just jealous. That was it. Plus, I knew about you two before you yourself knew. I could see it in your eyes, and when he came back? Yeah, I confirmed it. And him? He's crazy about you, and always has been" she said and I swallowed hard, looking down. If only she knew.

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