Chapter 15 : - The enigmatic student

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This chapter will start the Laxus arc and has a small initial epilogue for the Tower of Heaven arc. Sorry for being so late, was super busy with Assignments and tests :( :( I thank you guys for having the patience to wait! Thanks a lot for your support! 

Chapter 15: - The enigmatic student

At a safe distance from the aged remains of the council building, a solitary figure of a young woman was peering through her crystal ball, looking at the events that transpired in the Tower of Heaven. She had an interested expression on her face, and she was literally 'checking out' the people involved in the incident, making a mental report of sorts. But the ones she was really interested in were the 'new guys', whom she had no idea about, and were missing when she was there at Galuna island.

"Hmm let's see here" she murmured to herself, pushing her raven black hair out of her eyes, and behind her earlobes. The crystal ball flickered and the image of a handsome and elegant blond man, with wavy, shoulder length hair came into view. Her face naturally blushed, as if by reflex.

"Oh my..." she said to herself dreamily, unable to believe that someone so perfect could exist. Nodding her head, as if to bring herself back to reality from her fantasies, she began watching intently his battle with the owl warrior, and then the robed fighter with the golden flames.

"He's really crafty, clever and plays dirty as well" she snickered "Just my type" And then swiped over her crystal. The second figure was that of a young woman, with long raven black hair, red eyes and steeled looks. Ultear's eyes frowned a bit.

"Hmph...just because she looks a bit more pretty she thinks she can act so arrogant" she said to herself yet again. The feeling of jealousy was undeniable, but she wouldn't admit it. Her skill was remarkable too, which made that feeling accelerate further. Thankfully, this girl hadn't participated in the activities all that much, so Ultear was grateful that she needn't look at this one for too long. The third figure was that of the hooded stranger that was introduced to Jellal by the 'nobles'. He used mysterious golden flames, and seemed to be powerful enough, beyond the expectations that Jellal had of him. He was even going head on with the handsome blond man, and yet, she could tell that the latter was holding back, since he wasn't fighting in his usual 'sly' style. Nothing too interesting, but still, she decided to keep him in the back of her mind. Maybe her master would find him more interesting than she did. Then, she swiped over one last time. The screen flickered yet again, revealing her final 'subject for study'. She immediately covered her mouth, a furious blush adorning her face.

"Kyaa~~~Oh my oh my oh my!" she exclaimed, her legs flailing wildly in the air as she continued to admire his entire presence lying face down at the grassy floor of the forest she was in. The regal and noble looking man who stood before her had the most perfect face, most perfect demeanor and his fighting too was graceful and beautiful to watch. To top it off, his pride and arrogance only complemented the above said things. It took her multiple rewinds of that scene and a few more moments to get serious once again.

"Incredible....he has enough power to singlehandedly stop the power of Etherion...but it does seem like even he has his limits" she remarked, judging from the bleeding on his eyes, ears and mouth. "Master would be extremely pleased" she said once again to herself. The crystal once again flickered, and the face of her familiar master blinked into existence.

"Master" she called out, in her more formal tone.

"Ultear. I see that you made short work of those fools in the council and of Jellal as well"

"Yes. That idiot didn't even realize that I played the voice of 'Zeref' so many years back, and became pray to being manipulated" she recounted, proud of her handiwork. "It's such a pity that he couldn't have achieved his goals even if it had succeeded....after all, Zeref was never 'dead' was he? He's just out there sleeping"

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