Chapter 19: - The demon reborn

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Chapter 19 : - The demon reborn

"........must......eliminate......." she rasped, her gentle voice replaced by a demonic whisper. Freed was literally shaking in his pants. He flinched, and made it priority to put some distance between her and himself. His heart was beating rapidly.

"This is......Mirajane's Take over....Satan Soul.......!" stammered the green haired warrior of the thunder tribe, quivering in fear. Thinking fast, he began frantically writing runes on himself. With a blink of an eye, her form was no longer within his sights, and he felt a swift breeze speed past him, and recoiled when he felt the hit from Mira's attack. He composed himself and finished inscribing the script on his body, which read 'wings' in the runic language. But even the flight granted to him through his newly manifested wings wasn't of much help. The raging demon dashed right in front of him, and kicked him with titanic force. Freed doubled over, and was sent spiraling down. Mira flew down with supersonic speeds, getting to the bottom before Freed could even hit the ground and kicked him again, sending him through multiple boulders. The green haired warrior coughed violently, but used all his effort into inscribing another enchantment.

His form changed drastically, one that matched the very monstrosity that he was dueling against.

"Only a demon can fight against one of its kin" he rasped. The two rushed towards each other, each with their fists drawn. The shockwave of their clash obliterated the multitude of debris surrounding them. Both fighters reeled backwards from the shock. Freed sent another punch, which Mira countered with her knee. Twisting herself, she delivered a kick with her other foot, slamming into Freed's hip. The latter withstood the hit, and tried going in for another punch to Mira's torso. Mira simply spun around to avoid the damage, grabbed Freed by his tail and swung him around, flung him into the ground. Not even stopping for a moment, Mira flew uninterrupted at the still descending freed, and engaged in a mid air battle, clawing, kicking and punching. Something's strange, thought Freed. No matter how powerful Satan Soul was, I've never seen her fight like this before. Her fighting style is so brutal and without mercy. As if she's not even conscious of her actions.....could it be because of her not using her powers for so long....if so, can I even last against her assault...? His thoughts were cut short as he crashed into the ground. Mira gave a low, threatening growl, sending shivers down his spine. She grabbed his face, and slammed him hard into the ground. Freed coughed blood vigorously. Her hand began glowing in an ominous shade of dark red. The magical energy Freed felt was suffocating. It was almost as good as Gildart's at his best. But that wasn't what scared him at that point. His body was numb from the magical energy his was hit with, but even scarier was her expression. Staring down at him were her cold, blue eyes filled with ecstasy. She was toying with him. Enjoying it, as if like a beast who was held captive was suddenly given freedom. Her face twisted into a contorted grin, the dark sphere in her hands growing larger by the second. I..I'm going to die...!!!!!

Freed felt the grip on his face disappear suddenly. He felt the light rustle when someone or something kicked Mira's arm away, causing her to release the stored magic into the forest nearby. The beam travelled for a good amount of time, before causing a colossal explosion of dark red energy, spewing black smoke and splinters of demolished trees and earth everywhere. The shockwave was powerful enough to send gusting winds in all directions, nearly tripping them over their feet. Tesamu watched in shock at the fallout a single attack from her had.

"Mira! That's enough!" he called out, shaking her a bit. But she only attacked him in response, which he dodged by a hair's breadth. "Mira!!!!"

Within her mind, Mirajane Strauss could barely make out someone, yelling at her, holding her by her arms. Her vision was covered by a thick, dusky haze, and even her ears seemed as if they were muffled. More than that however, was the overflowing emotion of ecstasy that filled her entire mental fortitude. It felt refreshing. It felt free. SHE felt free. As if all the worries that troubled her simply dissolved in the haze permeating her mind. "M..ra." came the voice again. How curious, she thought. She could see a bit more clearly now. The figure had shoulder length wavy long blond hair. Yellow piercing eyes. His expression one of concern and worry. Beside this figure lay another, this time with long forest green hair, his body conceded in defeat. His face was covered with blood, grime and bruises. Something rippled within her consciousness, and see saw multitude of images, the face of her sister pleading to her in an apologetic voice and asking her not to blame herself.

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