Chapter 16: - Parades, Contests, Eye candy and Skinship!!

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Hey guys, thanks for waiting! Here's another update! As you could guess from the previous chapter, Tesamu will be the main 'Noblesse' character for the Laxus arc. Not much of Rai, Raskreia or Franky(Sorry ), well, atleast in the battle of Fairy Tail. Because I really want to 'save them' for the next arc and introduce and integrate Tesamu into the story properly, give him a bit of character development. I guess I'm overemphasizing my next arc, but I have some ideas for this one, and I'm VERY enthusiastic about it!

Response to reviews: -

N2: - Thanks, and here's another quick update!

Anonymous: - Thank you so much! I too hope to get more reviews in the future, so thank you for yours!

Chapter 16: - Parades, contests, eye candies and some skinship!

It was not long before Raskreia left without saying a word. Frankenstein would've preferred if she had atleast told them, but on second thoughts, felt this was better, otherwise she would've had to lie to convince Makarov and the others not to dig further. But then again, he felt she could've atleast said she was going home or something, since that would still technically be the truth. Staring off into the early golden rays of the rising sun, Franky let the gentle breeze ruffle his hair.

"~~Hey old man!~~" came someone's calling voice, which annoyed the blond a bit. Although he WAS technically WAY older than these humans, it still didn't feel right to be called old.

"You really know how to piss someone off early morning don't you?" retorted the blond, a vein popping in his head. "And I'm surprised to see YOU of all people awake this early"

"Well, I'm just fired up for the festival, shishihsihi!" said the pink head, rubbing his nose. "I don't see Raskreia or Rai though....even Tesamu" he questioned.

"Raskreia....well, I'm not sure where she is, she wasn't here when I looked. I think she'll be back, since we decided to depart together after all. As for master and Tesamu, they're both away to look for a suitable place for master to recuperate." Came the reply.

"Really?! You know, you could just stay in one of the dorms or just rent a place in the town...that's what me and Happy do anyways, and the others too" suggested Natsu.

"True, but I think it would be better for master to stay in a place where it's peaceful and away from unwanted attention" said Frankenstein, still looking towards the rising sun. Natsu was content with that reply. "So what's this festival about anyways?"

"Beats me...its something the town's folk have this year round, but what I do know that it's a lot of fun! There's musicals, all-you-can-eat buffets, beauty contests, dance shows....all the guild members usually end up participating in one thing or the other.....and today at the end there's the fairy beauty contest. The old man kinda forces us to participate, but I do have to say, it's fun, especially when it gets to the female's contest" said Natsu, grinning naughtily. "Well, I'm gonna go inside and train myself for a kinda feels empty nowadays if I don't train everyday"

"Oh? How about sparring with me then?"

"You're on, old man!"

A few hours into the morning

Natsu and Franky returned to the guild after their few hours of sparring. Needless to say, the former was covered in bruises, torn clothes and immeasurable dirt. The latter on the other hand, was pretty much the same as when he left, still bearing a refined and peaceful expression on his face.

"Oh that reminds me, it entirely skipped my mind yesterday....what's with the guild? Looks like you guys stepped it up a notch" he said.

"Oh yeah...." Replied Natsu, breathing heavily. "Gramps had it renovated while we were away fighting in the tower.....probably for the festival..."

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