Chapter 28: Oracion Seis appears

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Chapter 28: Oracion Seis appears

Lukedonia, at the Lord's mansion

Dim torchlights flickered softly, crackling and spewing embers into the otherwise empty corridor. A light breeze blew through the archways on either side of the corridor, which faced a moonless and starry night sky. The air was cool and relaxing. A lone figure silently gazed into the horizon, wind blowing through his long, silvery blond hair. Standing next to him was a young beautiful woman, her face bearing a forlorn and helpless expression. Her loosely braided raven black hair hung over her right shoulder. She was dressed in a simple attire consisting of a plain white shirt and black pants. His daughter, Erga Kenesis di Raskreia.

"So? How did it go this time?" asked the Lord. Although his tone sounded normal, his daughter knew that her father hid any concern he felt from her.

"Still the same as always." She replied, strained. "He still refuses to leave his house, no matter what I try to tell him" . The man sighed, but his face still remained passive. In the millennia that he had been alive, this wasn't the first time Raizel had refused to leave his place after all. Even so, things were going so well a year back, and the Lord finally felt like Raizel might slowly start opening up and express himself more.

"And what of Frankenstein? Has he still not returned since that incident?" asked the Lord.

"No....the last time I saw him was before we left from Earthland. He planned to investigate the conspiracy amongst the nobles and their collaboration with the werewolves along with his disciple. None of us have heard from him since" she informed her father.

"Mmm....." he murmured absent mindedly. What bothered him is that although it had been 1 year, even someone of Frankenstein's caliber couldn't put a dent in their plans, let alone uncover the truth. As much as he wanted to sort things out, neither him nor anybody else had any evidence that singled out anyone. The nobles were a highly individualistic race that considered snooping into other's business extremely dishonorable. This especially applied to higher class nobles such as the family leaders and the Lord.

There was an uncomfortable silence between them. The Lord pondered over the whole thing, as he always had the past one year. Sure, he'd always wished that the ever static nobles would stop being so stiff and try living for once. THIS however, was NOT what he was expecting.

"Father.....what can I do?" she asked solemnly. It was clear that her daughter was worried. "I've.....never been good with this sort of thing so please, advice me.." she pleaded silently, tousling her hair with her fingers.

"Raskreia...." He began silently. "You should know, that unless Raizel stops blaming himself, what I or anyone else tells him won't convince him. This is what he's always done, and I'm just as helpless as I've always been....why don't you try spending more time with him? I'm sure he won't mind. Between two people, it always helps when they try talking to each other about their issues. It always helps to have someone listen to your woes....maybe you can make him some tea sometime?"

Raskreia's eyes lightened up at the suggestion. She wasn't one to hang around other people often, but if it could help Raizel, then she was atleast willing to give it a go. In the past year, although she had visited him every once in a while, all she would do is sit in his room, watching him stare outside that forlorn window. Perhaps all had not be lost after all, thought the Lord. It consoled him greatly to know that his daughter was slowly but surely opening up to people around her. He gently caressed her head, which embarrassed the noble heiress.

"Well...go on then!" he prodded, waving his hands. His daughter gave a small nod and rushed off towards his mansion.

Somewhere in the human world near Lukedonia

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