Chapter Two.

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The ride to Khaya's apartment was silent. It wasn't an awkward ride, but a comfortable one. It was weird actually; feeling so comfortable in a stranger's presence. Khaya had a little stubble and a few hairs that created a mustache. I didn't like guys with non-shaven faces, but he seemed to work with it perfectly.

We got to a block of flats in Braamfontein. I'm guessing it's where Khaya lives. He parked his car on the second floor, where the entrance was. We got out of the car and made our way to the security guards standing at the small entrance. "Good morning, Khaya." One of them greeted. Funny enough they both almost scoffed at my appearance, but they didn't want to make it obvious. Khaya noticed this though.

"She's with me. And please treat her with respect otherwise you definitely won't have any more jobs. Understood?" Khaya voiced with something almost like anger, I think. I couldn't quite decipher it in time before he bolted through the small security gates, but letting me go in first. I whispered a little thank you then decided to take the stairs.

"How can you take the stairs and you don't even know what floor you're going to?" He asked almost amused, but I didn't find it funny. I found it embarrassing. I came back down the few stairs I had climbed and stood next to him. "And why go for the stairs when there's a lift?" He's been asking too many questions for my liking so I just ignored him this time.

The lift doors opened and I was scared shitless. I wasn't going to walk into that lift, knowing that I had almost died in one before. Two people walked out and eyed me nastily before going out the security gates. They were the least of my worries. Khaya walked in and had almost missed the fact that I wasn't inside the lift with him. His eyebrows rose in question, "What floor are we going to?" I asked as calmly as I could, but it was proving to be difficult as each second passed by.

"The seventh and last floor. Why?" He asked. I wasn't sure whether I should tell him about my fear of lifts or I should ignore it just this once.

I cleared my throat before looking at the stairs. I'd take the stairs any day, but the seventh floor was too much, even for me. I was once fit, but not anymore. The streets have somehow weakened me, but I wasn't ready for the lift yet. I don't think I'll ever be ready. "I think I'll take the stairs instead. I hate lifts."

And with that I was up and about, already drifting on the stairs as my life depended on it. "MANGO!" Khaya yelled from behind. I stopped dead on my tracks and slowly but surely turned around to face him. "Stop being dramatic and get in the lift. By the time you are done climbing those stairs, you'd be done for."

I knew deep inside that he was right, but I couldn't let him witness the panic attack that I'd undergo. Though I have to stay strong. I can't let anyone find out about my hardships. So I decided to go with the lift, and every step I took towards it made my heart pound audibly in my throat. I couldn't hear anything, but my footsteps and ravaging heartbeat. "Okay." That was all I said as I took calculated steps into the lift.

Khaya rolled his eyes hysterically before following in line. I was in the lift and I was so close to fainting. The doors seemed to close in slow motion and my breathing hitched. "Mango? Are you okay?" Khaya asked hesitantly. At first, I gave a nod, then slowly I began shaking my head. I knew I couldn't do this. I realized this was just too much as the doors closed shut.

My breathing was out of control. I began gasping for more air, but none seemed to go in. My chest. My head. Everything was just oversensitive at the moment. "Hey, hey. Look at me. Mango." I heard Khaya's voice in the distance. I fell to the floor of the lift as it ascended to the 7th floor. I backed up into the nearest corner, my panic attack not alleviating at all. I hugged my legs to my chest and buried my head between my legs. I could feel a headache forming and it wasn't helping my current situation.

"Calm down, s'thandwa. You're just panicking." Khaya kneeled before me and seemed hesitant as to what he was about to do. I looked up at him and I froze. Everything in me slightly relaxing as he moved towards me, analyzing me. He shouldn't come near me. I stink. I'm ugly. I'm just not meant to be near someone like him.

I held out my hand in an effort to stop him. "Don't come any closer," I muttered, but he heard me. The lift came to a stop and I couldn't have been any happier. I stood up ever so slowly but bolted out of there as fast as I could; freeing myself from imprisonment. I didn't get far though before Khaya suddenly grabbed onto my forearm and slightly pulled me back. I flinched under his touch. It's not something I'd like to experience again.

"What was that?" Khaya asked as his one eyebrow skyrocketed in question. I, being the incredible actress I am, slightly smiled as I shrugged innocently. He rolled his eyes and led the way to his apartment.


That was the number of the flat where Khaya lived. As soon as I walked in, I was in awe.

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