Chapter Fourteen.

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After I found out about the pregnancy I nearly fainted right there and then. I couldn't believe it. I couldn't swallow such news. I couldn't digest so much. But then I did. I accepted it all and it's been six months since I found out. My tummy was fairly big and I was fairly happy. I've been staying with Khaya since because he thought it would be much and better and we'd get to know each other during my time spent here. And I must say, he was right.

During these six months, I've learnt that Khaya's favourite food was the seven colours of his Sunday Kos. His favourite colour was actually grey and his favourite TV show to watch was, surprisingly enough, Keeping up with the Kardashians. I never got to understand why, but he said he just loved those ladies. I found out his favourite movie of all time was Room and that he'd like to get married at the age of 27, latest by 30. And funny thing is that he said he'd like to get married to someone with a brown-blonde thicket of hair who's approximately 3 years younger than him. That made me laugh because he was being so directly indirect in terms of saying I was to be his future wife.

I smiled alone as I sat on Khaya's brown sofa, watching Chopped. I was merrily eating a bag of Doritos, with the rest of my junky snacks sprawled out on the coffee table in front of me. I was about to reach for a small packet of Simba peanuts when a knock sounded at the door. Confused as to who it might be, I stood up and wrapped fleece around my waist and threw on Khaya's knitted jumper. I made my way towards the door, but not before grabbing Benito.

Benito is the yellow stuffed rabbit Khaya bought for the baby and I. Benito also has a pocket knife stuffed inside of it and a small mobile in case of emergency. I smiled at the thought before opening the door. What stood on the other side of the door frame was someone I was never expecting to see anytime soon. "Narelle?" I tried keeping my breath from hitching, but I'm sure she noticed the shock I underwent.

"Just the poes I wanted to see." She sneered as she pushed her way through, hurting my tummy in the process. She hadn't looked down or noticed yet, but it was big enough for a blind person to see. She walked further into the kitchen and stood in the space that combined the kitchen and the sitting room. She looked around as I slightly closed the door behind me, not letting it fully lock. I left a little space in case I needed an escape route.

Narelle looked at me then her eyes floated to my waist. If looks could kill, guys, my baby and I would have been dead. And at the thought of that, I clutched Benito close to me. "What do you want?"

"I took some time off to rethink what Khaya did to me just to be with you, and it really does not make sense. Why would he leave me for an ugly, fat cow like you? I mean, by fire and by force, he's going to come back to me." She crossed her arms across her chest and slowly paced towards me.

Yaz' guys, before I could even comprehend what was going on, Narelle threw a right hook into my stomach, my poor baby, knocking the life out of me. I gasped for air as she yanked my hair and banged my head against the corner of the kitchen counter. I lost my vision for a few seconds before seeing a crimson liquid flow freely from my forehead. Narelle smiled at my pain while I grimaced at the headache forming immediately. She dragged me towards the sink took a sharp-ass knife. I wasn't going to wait for her to stab me.

So I violently jabbed my elbow into her stomach and that was enough for her to let me go, for now. I then stumbled a little, trying to gain my balance before kicking her in the back as hard I could. She fell onto the dustbin, but she still had the knife in hand. I held onto Benito as tightly as I could, trying to catch my breath, as I watched Narelle stand up with lightning speed. She turned around and before I knew it she plunged the knife into my shoulder and pushed me so I fell on the sofa.

A window-cracking scream erupted from my mouth as the knife dug its way deeper into my flesh. Tears were already running down my cheeks as I tried to stand up, but Narelle was suddenly straddling me and trying to choke the life out of me. All I could think about was my child, and how I had to fight back in order for the baby to survive. My vision was jumping in and out of darkness and I could barely breathe. I punched Narelle directly in her face, causing her to loosen her grip. I used this opportunity to take hold of the knife in my left shoulder blade and I took a really deep breath before forcibly pulling it out.

Another scream left my lips and I got up using my right arm because my left arm was unable to work due to my shoulder. Narelle was watching sadistically as I sobbed, trying to stand up. She lunged towards me, but I was fortunate enough to dodge her. I grabbed Benito off the floor while steadily holding the knife in my right hand. I hid the knife behind my back as Narelle slowly advanced towards me, she too hiding something behind her. I waited for her to make her move and so she did, throwing a vase at me just like the first day we met.

I let it hit me so I could get Narelle's guard down. It hit the back of my head as I tried to dodge what was supposed to be a direct hit to my face, and I fell forwards, hiding the knife away from her vision. I took extremely deep breaths. I patiently waited for her to attack again. She pulled my hair up and I took this opportunity to violently stab the knife wherever in her chest, causing her eyes to widen in shock before she stumbled back. With that done I took hold of a small stool with my right hand and swung it at Narelle causing both of us to fall. Her from the hit, and I from the energy it took just to do that in my kind of state.

I couldn't stand up any longer. I could faintly hear Narelle breathing heavily before she surprised me by speaking, "You know Mango, I wish you die with me. Satan would love to have you as a permanent company." She said with difficulty before cackling and ending with a cough. I decided not to answer as I could feel the adrenaline wearing off and the headache shot back fiercely. Let's not even start on the shoulder wound.

My vision was playing games with me. I started seeing stars and I was dizzy without even moving. I stopped hearing Narelle breathing loudly and I was concerned. I didn't want her to die; jail time would've been satisfactory for me. "Narelle?" I panicked after she didn't answer. "Narelle, wake up." My voice cracked at the end because I really couldn't deal with someone else dying in front of me again. When she didn't answer I began crying like nobody's business.

As I was on the verge of passing out from the loss of blood due to my shoulder, the front door slowly opened, revealing a happy looking Khaya. As soon as he was fully through the door his eyes landed on my almost dead body lying across space between the kitchen and the living room. Then his eyes spotted Narelle and it was like he already knew what might have happened during his time at work. He looked flabbergasted before running towards me and he kneeled beside me.

"Yoh, Jesu. Kodwa yini?" He said under his breath, as he lifted my head slowly, putting something under it. My eyes felt super heavy and I just wanted to sleep. "No, babe, don't sleep. Don't close your eyes." He pleaded and I just lazily smiled at him, holding Benito tightly, before letting the darkness consume me.

I felt content with myself. I've tried to keep my little munchkin alive, and unfortunately, if I die, the baby dies too. Fortunately, we'd be going to a much better place together, and it pains me to leave Khaya here alone, but it would be for the better.

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