Chapter Seven.

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"She's doing okay. We expect her to wake up soon, so I suggest you go home and get some rest." A strong male voice sounded. My eyes were closed and my head had been pounding ever since I gained consciousness. I slowly opened my eyes, trying to adjust to the bright lighting and white and blue walls of this hospital room. The guy in a white robe, who I guessed was a doctor, smiled at my awakening. "Ah, there we go. She's awake. Now, I want you to listen carefully to me. Mrs. Zibani needs some rest as well and visiting hours end in 2 hours. So be as quiet as possible, because the injury to her head affects her hearing senses which are very likely to cause severe migraines."

I couldn't quite hear the rest, because I had lost focus when the doctor called me Mrs. Zibani. Who is Zibani, because it certainly is not me.

"Is that all?" Khaya asked as I realized the black circles under his eyes. He hadn't had much sleep, that I can see. I couldn't even focus on how terrible he looked, because my head started throbbing with so much intensity. I shut my eyes and listened to my surroundings instead as I heard a door close. "Oh, Mango." Khaya sighed.

I opened my eyes once more, feeling the headache deteriorate by the slightest. "Khaya, what happened? One second I'm at your apartment then the next I'm in the hospital, being called Mrs. Zibani. What is going on? And who the hell is Mrs. Zibani?" Erratic breathing. Vigorous headache. This was becoming too much to take at once. Had I not met Khaya, I wouldn't be in this hospital bed confused as to how I ended up here. The only thing I remember is waking up to a nightmare and Khaya trying to understand what had happened to me... did I tell him?

"Calm down." He stood up and it looked like he was trying to keep his distance from me like I was going to hurt him somehow. Was he going to tell me something so bad that it threatened his safety? "You don't remember what happened? Like, nothing at all?" He asked cautiously before I shook my head. "Okay. My girlfriend came back from Cape Town and she attacked you with a vase. You had passed out and whatnot. So I rushed you here and I wasn't told much except that you'd lose your memory or something. But enough about that, how are you feeling?"

I just simply shrugged. I don't know how I was supposed to feel. Having to wake up in such an environment without a clue as to how I got here was off-putting, but there really wasn't anything one could do. I could be angry at Khaya for not telling me about his girlfriend, but it wouldn't change the situation I'm in. Looking at him made things worse, too. Worried was what his face displayed, and regardless of all the regard he was showing towards me I couldn't care less about anything as of now. The reason being is because I'm tired. I'm tired of everything, and Khaya is no exception.

"You didn't answer my question." Obviously, I didn't, because I wasn't obliged to. Though I wasn't going to be rude about it, because it is partially my fault I'm here in the first place. Had I not moved in with Khaya, none of this would have happened. None whatsoever. Had I not thought of him in any way other than a stranger, then I wouldn't be stuck here battling with something I can't remember. "I asked you a question. Who is this Zibani?"

Khaya took a deep breath before explaining, "My surname is Zibani and they wouldn't let me in unless I told them that I'm your husband. I couldn't just be on standby without knowing anything. Now, answer my question."

I sighed heavily, getting annoyed by this whole inner turmoil I had. "Look, just leave me alone and come back when I'm ready to face your unpleasant self." I sneered as I turned to the sight and faced the wall. The wall reminded me of myself, really. How bland and ordinary I've become over the years since my mom died. No one really shows interest in walls, let alone the ones you find in a hospital. Now tell me, am I different from a wall? Who would find me more interesting as a wall itself? The only difference is that I have the ability to become something not sessile. Something important. Someone important, at least. If only.

"So, this is how things are going to be?" Khaya breathlessly asked, as if we'd been in a relationship for years and I'd just dropped the bomb on him without warning. We were merely just strangers and he pulls that card on me? I decided to ignore his question and I closed my eyes, so I'd be able to engulf myself in some well-deserved sleep. "Okay then. I just wanted you to know that I found your father, and he's on his way as we speak..." Before he could even continue I had turned my head to face him and I could have sworn that one of my bones cracked this time.

I could feel my eyes almost falling out of their sockets due to the shock. "You did what?" My voice had barely come out as a whisper. Khaya looked confused as to why I had reacted the way I did. "You had the audacity to search for my father without my permission then you have the nerve to stand in front of me and act confused?" I asked, bewilderment surely evident on my face. "Unesibindi." (You are brave.) I ended off with a scoff.

"What was I supposed to do? What if you died? I had to find someone who'd at least do what's right. And now I'm the bad guy." He rolled his eyes, which caused me to roll my own eyes.

"How did you find him anyway? I didn't give you my surname or anything that would link me to anyone."

He smirked, which caused me to deeply scowl at him. "You're the only Mango child on this planet, my girl. Finding your father was as easy as pie. You know, Johan Breytenbach isn't a hard man to find. He took his flight from England yesterday night, and he might be landing soon." He started to make his way to the door before he stopped right before twisting the doorknob. "A little advice, dear. I'd rather be thankful than bitchy if I were you. You were lucky this time."

"Oh wow, says the one who dates lunatics. For all we know you might be one yourself. Busy going around looking for stupid fathers and nonsense. But what was I expecting?" I rolled my eyes at my own question. "People as nosy as you only prove that the world would be better off without you." I sarcastically smiled at him as his jaw clenched and released repeatedly. He opened the door, stepped out, and slammed it behind him. Such a stupid boy, I tell you.

Khaya had no right to go searching for my father. My father was my business. Why couldn't he be a normal person and ask me about my father if he wanted to know something? Having my father fly all the way down here just because I passed out wasn't the ideal family reunion I had in mind. And besides, I was a byproduct of rape, and seeing this Johan would only feel like daggers being consistently thrown to the heart. At times like these, I was helpless, really. Ain't nothing I could do to change the fact that I had a rapist of a father arriving soon and I was nervous to no extent as to what he might do once he arrived.

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