Chapter Twelve.

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A knock sounded at the door and I stood to go open it. I was expecting someone like Jason, although I knew he went out to deal with 'business', or even Mama Siphiwe who was the maid who kept ordering me around like I was her child. I didn't mind that, but it became annoying especially when she kept talking the whole time. What I didn't expect was Khaya standing there with his hands tucked in his black jeans and him staring down at me like he expected me to close the door in his face.

I kept my face neutral all the while, "What do you want?" To be honest I was a little happy to see him, thinking that he might care enough to come to visit me. But then again, he might have come to see how Jason is since they're best friends. I was surprised not to see Narelle standing closely behind him like the tail that she is.

"Can I at least come in?" I sighed as I opened the door further and let him walk into the room. He took a seat on the edge of the bed and I decided to stand near the dressing table so I was able to keep some distance between us. He looked around before speaking, "Nice room. Not as colourful as your room at my apartment, but it's not bad." As soon as he said that his eyes met mine and it took him a few seconds to realize what he'd said. I, on the other hand, tried to stand there and seem as unaffected as possible while my heart was pounding out of my chest.

I decided to ignore the way I felt and just walked towards the expansive windows on the other side of the room. "Why are you here?" I asked a little too quietly. I half knew why he was here. Two days ago after the supper, we all had together Khaya told me he'd return, but I didn't take him seriously because I knew Narelle wouldn't allow such if she wasn't to come with him. But here he was sitting on that white bed that contrasted with his dark attire.

"I told you I'd come back." He said as he rubbed his hands together. I gave a nod, waiting for him to continue. "Look, I'm sorry. Everything that had happened to you this past week is partially my fault."

Partially his fault? It was all his fault. "You got to be kidding me. You think that it was partially your fault? It was all your fault! YOU took me in. YOU have a psycho girlfriend who's probably planning my next downfall. YOU are the one who contacted my goddamn father. YOU are the one who left me at that hospital. YOU the reason my father took me to a brothel. Same reason why I was taken advantage of. More of a reason why I'm here with Jason. It's all YOUR damn fault!" I felt my anger simmering, and Lord knows how much I tried to contain it but seeing Khaya brought every sickening memory back.

"And I said I'm sorry for that. Okay I agree, it was all my fault, but you have to know I'm sorry." He stood and came to stand maybe a metre away from me. I looked at his face and I could see the regret swimming on the surface of it. His eyes met mine for a mere second before looking down at the wooden floors. "But come on, you can't hold a grudge forever."

If I was holding a grudge, then he'd still be knocking on that door for hours non-end. "Since you apologized you can go. I'm sure Narelle is waiting for you somewhere." As I said that his face lightened up while my heart clenched. Seeing him so happy when his girlfriend's name was mentioned really showed his love for her. Some of us never got to experience any of that at all.

"About Narelle, she and I are no longer an item." His smile grew wider, and I was close to passing out from shock. He smiled so wide just to tell me they broke up? I'm confused now. None of this makes any sense whatsoever. "Don't look confused, s'thandwa. What happened, happened. I'm done with her and I can't say she was happy, but..." He shrugged. He looked out the window at nothing in specific while I looked at him like he grew an extra head or something.

To say I was happy would be the understatement of the year. I was more than ecstatic that I wouldn't be seeing Narelle anymore, but what made me feel like I was on cloud nine was the fact that Khaya could find someone less abrasive and dramatic. I'm not going to say any names, but let's keep fingers crossed. "Okay, but why?" I didn't really want to know why, but it was better than standing here thinking it was all for me.

"Well, I don't have feelings for her anymore, not that I had any to start with. I only realized that a few days ago. What I also realized was that you'd be a much better replacement than anyone on earth." He grinned and I felt giddy at first but then I frowned after he called me a replacement. I don't want to be anyone's toy. Replacing things that don't need to be replaced. He saw my displeased face, "What's with your face?"

"I'm no one's replacement. I'd only be yours if you'd really want me to, not to use me to spite someone with your new replacement. I will not allow that." I turned to look out the window. As much as I'd want something between Khaya and I, it's not going to happen. Not now. Not next week. Not next month. Not next year. Not in the next decade, or century, or a millennium or the next lifetime.

He stepped closer, causing my nose to scrunch up in discomfort. Having a man this close to me was just too much after what Bafana did. "I was joking. You aren't a replacement. More of an aim than an agenda." I wasn't going to act like I understood that, but okay. I was going to let him talk some nonsense because right now I wasn't in a good mood at all. Everything Khaya did reminded me of Bafana. It was all too much to take in, mentally and especially physically. Let's not even start on the emotional breakdown.

Before I knew it, a few stray tears found their way out. I whipped my hand over my face as quick as lightning before Khaya could notice anything. Haike, it was too late for mama. He took a deep breath and nearly suffocated me in a bone-crushing hug. I hate being comforted, though. It would only make me cry more than I intend to, not that crying was my initial plan. "Stop crying, okay? I'm sorry. I really didn't mean for it to sound like that." He whispered in my right ear, as my head laid on his chest facing out the window.

A dry laugh came out which confused Khaya, and that made me laugh even more. "It's not you. I just have a heavy head right now just thinking about everything that has happened these past few days." I sniffed a little then walked to the bed and laid there. Khaya made his way to me and sat on the edge, lightly rubbing circles on my back as I closed my eyes. I was about to talk, but I felt that sour taste in my mouth and a stomach started churning and the vile was coming up again. I stood up faster than the Flash and dashed to the bathroom, vomiting all my guts out.

This stomach bug has been going on for a few days now, and I am honestly tired of it. I stood up from hugging the toilet seat and rinsed my mouth then headed back to the room. Khaya was still sitting on my bed, but he looked terrified. "What's wrong?" I asked as I walked towards him, contemplating whether to place my palm against his shoulder or not. I decided against it.

"We really need to talk. There's something you need to know, but in order to let you know you have to tell me about your time with your dad." He spoke. He then looked up at me and I could really see he was desperate to know, but why?

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