Chapter Two

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Three days. It takes Mahiru three days to wake up. Sleepy Ash stayed there the entire time, eating and sleeping. He would take a shower at around midnight and go right back to his side. The others would visit but they would leave after a while, the tension too awkward. The doctors had taken the wrap off his eyes a few minutes ago to check on them. It scared them at first when they saw them on their friend but the nurse calmly explained it was so his eyes wouldn't get infected from whatever was thrown into them. They had cleaned his eyes out, ridding the substance from them and placing the bandages on to keep from anything getting in them.

Hazel eyes comes into view when eyelids flutter open, indicating his wakening. Sleepy Ash stands at the door, leaning against the doorframe having gotten tired of sitting. His attention is drawn by a small whimper, looking over to the bed. His eyes widen somewhat at seeing his Eve awake, hazel irises staring at the ceiling. As he gets closer, but he notices something wrong. "Mahiru," he says uncertainly. It's when he speaks that the feeling of concern grows.

"K-Kuro?" His voice holds doubt, his face scrunched up in confusion.

"I'm here, Mahiru."

"Turn on the lights." He freezes, crimson eyes staring widely at his friend. He takes note on how different his eyes look. No. "Kuro? Why is the room dark?"

He takes a breath, swallowing thickly as he gets closer. He clenches his teeth as he realizes who has done this to him. He knows what is wrong, but he just can't keep the panic and the disbelief out of his mind. The two feelings rush through his body. This has never happened before. Why did it have to ever even occur? "Mahiru...the lights are on."

That terrifies him. Mahiru's eyes flicks from one thing to another, but they do not see anything. He freaks out, not able to believe it. Mahiru is shaking as he shouts, "No!" His breathing falters for a moment as he realizes. "I...I can't...Kuro?" His voice cracks on his name, Kuro staring at him with worry. He grabs his hand and squeezes it with comfort. His eyes begin to water, the tears spilling over onto his cheeks; Kuro looking pained for the sixteen year old. It was his fault, he should've protected him, should've gotten there faster. What type of Servamp was he to let his Eve get hurt and now blind? He swears that he was not going to let Shamrock get away with this.

A male nurse walks in and notices him awake, asking a few questions before telling them that he'll get a doctor. The doctor comes in with a smile which falters when she notices the problem right away. She walks over, taking a pen light and shining it in his eyes, moving it a bit but no reaction. "I apologize, Shirota Mahiru." Her voice is soft and gentle, like a warm blanket during a harsh cold winter. "The damage done to your eyes can be cured with surgery but without the consent of your guardian and for them to fill out papers, I can't do anything at the moment.* We've tried reaching your uncle but he has yet to answer, but we'll do our best to get him here." She leaves them to process the information.

It is silent and extremely suffocating, weighing down on them like an elephant sitting on their chests. His eyes are open but unseeing, he feels Kuro next to him and the comforting hand on his back. Tears spilling onto his light rosy cheeks as his shoulders shake with silent sobs. "Mahiru, it's going to be okay. You'll get through this, we'll always be there to help you." He says nothing as he buries his face into his chest. "You're strong, I know you'll get through this. Everything will be okay." Kuro falls silent afterwards, not having comforted many people for a long time so he's awkward on how to comfort.

The news of it all, it hurts. The Eves and Servamps sadly stare at their friend, unsure of what to say. Misono walks over and places a hand on his shoulder. "We'll always be here to help you, Mahiru. You have helped all of us, now let us return the favor."

He gives a weak smile at them, nodding. "Thank you." His eyes are closed, knowing that they may look freaky to some people. He just hopes that this won't make him a burden, that it won't have them fussing over him or restricting him. He wants to continue to help people and not let anyone do his job for him. He hopes that he doesn't annoy Kuro too much, knowing that he gets extremely lazy. Mahiru sighs as he rests a hand on his wounds, wondering how much life is going to change. What will he tell his uncle? How would he explain to him that he lost his sight? thinks Kuro.

"Mahiru, what are you going to tell your uncle?" Lawless surprises everyone with his question, but they all look curious.

"I'll tell him that it was a cooking accident. That I was reaching for a spice and accidentally knocked it or something else down, it falling into my eyes." Mahiru shrugs, hugging himself as he thought of something else. "I would've said I had hit the back of my head, but no, the spice thing would be easier. It's simple and because the doctors will probably say that my eyes got affected by a powder type thing."

Lawless raises an eyebrow. "What do you mean hitting your head?"

"Do you know anything about human anatomy shit-rat?" Licht asks, more like shouts, hitting him.

"Licht, be nicer." He hears him mutter something under his breath, but he continues, "And because the occipital lobe is in the back of the brain. It is involved with vision. Hit that hard enough and you can be blinded." Mahiru taps his thigh with a yawn.

Kuro looks at his siblings and their Eves. "We should leave to let you sleep, Mahi-Mahi." Sleepy Ash sees him nod and watches his breathing even, ushering the others out. He sighs and gazes at them with sadness in his crimson orbs.

"We're going to be there for him," comments Misono. "We're going to help him, he's our friend. Don't worry, Sloth." Mahiru has helped us day after day since he had met us, it's our turn to return the favor.

*I am not sure if that is right or not. If not please say so and I will do my best to fix it.

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