Chapter Four

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Spending the day out was not what Mahiru had in mind, especially with Misono and Licht. Tetsu had to help his parents with running the hot springs. With the other two Eves and their servamps, Mahiru had to be with them. The brown eyed boy sits at a booth while they order. It was going good, really it was, but he did not think this would happen. He's sitting near the window of the cafe, tapping the table as he thinks with his head resting on his palm.

The bell on the door rings, signaling the arrival of another customer. He hears their footsteps but they end up faltering. "Mahiru?" The said boy lifts up his head, his eyes covered with sunglasses as he wonders who called his name. "Mahiru," they say again as they sound familiar almost like—

"Sakuya?" He's unsure, shifting in his seat as he waits for an answer. He hears the same small chuckle and feels the brush of Sakuya's legs as he slides into the booth across from him.

Sakuya's red eyes study his friend's face. Something about him is off, but he isn't sure. "Hey I was waving at you, but I guess you didn't notice." He lets out a small chuckle. "Why are you wearing sunglasses indoors?" The immediate reaction surprises him. The once relaxed shoulders tense, his jaw clenches as if he's angry with what he asked. He fidgets and rubs the leg of the glasses and is completely jittery.

Mahiru doesn't know what to say. He sighs softly when he hears Misono's voice. "You're that subclass that attacked Mahiru and I."

"And you're the Eve of Lust. Surprised you're here." Sakuya's voice is laced with anger. Mahiru knows, he's heard that same tone almost every time. He reaches out to grab his wrist, missing it and hitting his shoulder. He hisses and retracted his hand, shaking it.

Licht looks at Mahiru then at Sakuya who is staring at him with confusion. "Oh, so you have yet to tell him."

Misono laughs and shakes his head, staring at the two best friends. "This joker is probably too dense to realize it himself. Mahiru, let's go. You shouldn't even be talking to him, he's one of Tsubaki's subclasses." He grabs his hand and pulls him to his feet. "Oh, and tell Shamrock that he's going to regret what he's done."

"Misono, stop," he says, trying to reason with him as he stumbles behind him. "I can still walk. Misono, let go."

Licht glances back at the subclass then back at the other two Eves and following them. He questions Misono's actions but Mahiru was apparently one of the few people that offered being his friend so that made him feel protective over him—basically like brothers making sure the other is safe and not doing anything stupid.

* * *

Sakuya storms into the place they're hanging out in. He glares at Shamrock, wanting to know what the hell is wrong with Mahiru. He is pissed off and it's on his face. "What did you do?"

"What do you mean, traitor?"

Tsubaki looks on with slight amusement, wondering what is wrong as Saukya grabs him by the front of the shirt. "What did you do Mahiru?"

"Eve of Sloth? Nothing," he responds then lets out a small laugh. "If you don't count that I threw acidic powder into his eyes, and stabbed him twice."

Sakuya growls about to punch him but is stopped by Tsubaki. "Now, now, Sakuya. It's alright."

"It's not alright! Mahiru's blind thanks to this idiot!" He doesn't hesitate to kick Shamrock into the wall. Shamrock had been told to kill the boy, but apparently the boy didn't die much to his annoyance. He stomps out, growling and wanting to go see Mahiru. He can't believe that something like that had happened to someone as kind hearted and amazing as Mahiru, the annoying housewife that cares for his friends. Sakuya will end up killing Shamrock if Mahiru does not get his sight back.

The subclass heads straight for Mahiru's apartment. He's nervous and just hopes that he would actually explain but with his Servamp and his little friend it was going to be hard. Much to his gratefulness it's going to be difficult. Mahiru who opens the door. "Mahiru," he starts but is cut off by a groan.

"Great, he's here," says Kuro. He rests his head on Mahiru's shoulder as he looks to see who it was. "The joker."

"Ah, Sakuya, you sure you should be here?" Mahiru asks in a small voice as he hangs his head a bit.

Sakuya steps forward hoping to be let in. "Mahiru, you're my friend, at least let me come in."

Mahiru sighs and motions him in much to Sleepy Ash's dismay but he still sends a glare at the subclass. Kuro helped him to the couch and glanced at the subclass. "What are you doing here exactly, joker?" he asks as Mahiru crosses his arms and leans back against the couch, his eyes trained on the ground.

"Mahiru, you're servamp is so unwelcoming," Sakuya says earning a small laugh from the teen. "But no, I came because I wanted to help."

Something changes in Mahiru, he frowns as his fists clench slightly. Why? Why does he want to help? he thinks. He only pities you. No, he...he doesn't. Ask him yourself. He raises his head a bit, his eyes covered by his bangs. "Why?" The question takes them aback. They didn't understand why he asked such a question. "Do you really want to help or is it all out of pity?"

That shocks them to the point of no answer. He couldn't really think that, could he? "Mahiru, no. That's not it."

"Then what is it? Surely Tsubaki wouldn't let you help me without him having something planned. You know what? Just forget it," he whispers as he stands and stomps out of the room.

They watch as Mahiru walks to his room, slamming the door behind him. They sit in silence at what just happened. Mahiru, sweet and kind, always cared for others. What is going on with him now? Yes, they know that going blind must really be messing him up at the moment, but they didn't know it was that bad. Kuro glances at Sakuya and sighs, filling him in much to his reluctance. The green haired vampire sits there in silence, hoping he could help in anyway. Mahiru's words are stuck in his head. "Mahiru's right," he whispers. "Tsubaki wouldn't let me help without a plan in mind."

"Does it matter? Mahiru needs you, whether he likes to admit it or not. He just hates feeling like a burden or even useless. Just help get him back on his feet." Kuro stands and heads to the kitchen to finish eating. "Oh, and kill the subclass when you get the chance. You can show yourself the door."

So basically Mahiru's just really doubtful and skeptical for the moment, it's really getting to him. It may get worse but who knows. I actually like torturing the small bean because I have more of a connection with him and he's really easy to turn angsty.

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